Principal's Report
Uralla Christmas Street Fair
Our students will be involved in the combined schools musical item on Friday afternoon as part of the Uralla Christmas Street Fair. We need those students involved to gather with all other school students near the Christmas Tree at Fibonacci Park at 6.15pm for the 6.30pm performance. Please note that students are under the supervision of parents, not school staff.
A rehearsal for the carols is on Wednesday 20 November at 6.00pm at the Uralla Uniting Church. This rehearsal is optional but highly recommended if you would like to sing or play along with the live band. We will work on the two songs first so it should only take 20 – 30 minutes.
There is also some rehearsal links with recordings of the two songs and lyrics at
Learn to Swim Program
Our Learn to Swim program is well underway with our students making solid progress in developing their skills. Our program will end on Friday. Thank you to our staff for developing the programs tailored for each group and for making this opportunity such a success!
NECOM Ensemble Visit
We had a special visit from the New England Conservatorium of Music (NECOM) last week where the string and wind ensemble groups performed for our K-6 and interested secondary students. The ensemble groups are made of students from across our local schools, including Uralla Central School. I thank the staff at NECOM for involving us as part of their performance day.
Semester 2 Reports
Teachers are currently preparing Semester 2 reports for students in Years K-9. These reports will go home in Week 8. Year 10 reports have gone home this week.
Academy Classes Commence
Our Academy classes have started this week at Uralla Central School. Students who were in Year 10 have moved up into the first year of the HSC classes while our Academy II students have moved into the second year of their classes. All the best everyone!
U-Turns in our School Zone
Just a reminder to families that it is illegal in NSW to do a U-Turn in your car in an active school zone. There have been some instances where drivers are making u-turns at the front of the school where children are moving about. Thanks for your help in not performing these during these peak times.
Kindergarten Transition Program
Our Kindergarten transition program is coming to an end for 2024. Our program has gone from strength to strength where we now have 19 students enrolled for Kindergarten in 2025. Thank you to Charmaine Endacott, Michelle Koina and Chloe Atkins for their incredible work in ensuring our new students have a smooth transition to Big School.
School Starting Dates - Changes for 2025
The NSW Department of Education has announced changes to the number of school development days from next year and beyond. From 2025 there will be four school development days at the start of the year as well as an addition of others during Terms 2-4.
This will help with the completion of the curriculum roll-out and afford teachers some more time to individually and/or collaboratively plan, program and undertake professional learning for the benefit of their students.
Starting in 2025, schools will have:
- 4 days at the commencement of Term 1
- 2 days at the commencement of Term 2
- 1 day at the commencement of Term 3
- 1 day at the commencement of Term 4
The additional days will be student free meaning that students do not attend on these days.
Due to the additional school development days, all students, K-12 will start the 2025 on the same day, Thursday 6 February 2025.
In the past, students in Kindergarten started school a week later due to their Best Start assessments, this will now occur during the first half of Term 1 in school hours.
These changes have only just been announced and therefore your calendars may not reflect the updated dates. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school.
Have a great week!
Brad Hunt