
Konnichiwa from Japanese Class!
We have been busy expanding our vocabularies with both the Animal unit and the Sumo unit. We have started a Sumo unit for Grades 3 to 6. Sumo is Japan's national sport and the nation's oldest professional sport. Many aspects of Japan's traditional culture remain in sumo. So they experienced wearing Geta which is traditional Japanese footwear just like sandals. Geta has a flat wooden base elevated with up to three "teeth", held on the foot with a fabric thong.
In Junior classes, they are introduced to 七五三 (Shichi go san) events this week. Shichi go san is an annual Japanese festival to celebrate the growth of children. It takes place on or around November 15. The festival is for boys aged three and five, and girls aged three and seven. That's why it is called shichi - go - san (literally means seven - five - three). Many families go to shrines and pray for the healthy growth of their children with their traditional outfits. They also tried traditional Japanese footwear (Geta) and experienced how uncomfortable to walk with Geta.
That is all from the Japanese class!
Have a wonderful weekend.
またらいしゅう ”mata raishuu” (See you next week)
Bawden Sensei