News from Foundation

Minibeast incursion
We were so excited to have the Minibeast incursion this week at school with the grade 1/2s! It was so much fun! We got to hold butterflies, touch a yabby and a stick insect, catch and look at crickets and worms, and look at animals kept in resin. We got to make bugs out of clay and made a bug mask. We had lots and lots of fun! We made some posters and wrote a recount of our favourite things from the day!
Lexie- "I liked the butterfly tent"
Eddie- "I liked seeing the butterflies"
Harry- "I liked making the bug craft"
Charlee- "I liked catching the crickets"
Laylah- "I liked seeing the crickets and the caterpillar"
Coco- "I liked seeing the butterflies in the tent and the crickets"
Maggie- "I liked the crickets and the yabby"
Makenzie- "I liked seeing the stick insect"
Lachlan- "I liked seeing all the minibeasts"
Braxton- "I liked seeing all the minibeasts"
Joey- "I liked all the minibeasts in the plastic containers, I also liked the Yabby"
Ed- "I liked going in the butterfly tent and seeing the yabby and butterflies"
Gabby- "I liked seeing the butterflies, yabby, crickets and the stick insects. I also liked the drawing"
Jeremy- "I liked seeing the butterflies and the crickets and the worms"
It was a fantastic day for all of us! Here are some photos of all the fun we had!
Literacy Word Hunt
Last week, for a fun literacy activity, we went on a word hunt around the classroom! We used our iPads to scan QR codes that gave us a word. We then had to sound out the words and match them to their pictures. It was lots of fun!
WOW! The Foundation students have been doing an excellent job with their Seesaw entries! We are so proud of how they explained everything they have been doing and what they have learned and enjoyed about the activities. Here are some seesaw entries that they are really proud of.
Braxton- Writing
Charlee- Reading 'ee' words
Coco- Writing
Edward- Writing
Eddie- Writing
Gabby- Maths Robots
Harry- Writing
Jeremy- Sequencing
Joey- Writing
Lachlan- Reading
Laylah- Writing
Lexie- Writing
Maggie- Writing
Makenzie- Sequencing
F/1/2 After School Fun Night
Don't forget about our fun night next Thursday! Please RSVP via the google form!