From the Principal

How lucky am I to enjoy original pieces of artwork on my office wall. Thank you to our talented student artists (Lydia Year 4, Andre Year 6, Betika Year 6, Sarina Year 6, Duc Year 4, Jackie Year 5) for allowing me to display their work. Every day I take a glance and think, how special the gift of art is in our lives. I am looking forward to what the collaborative student artists (Hannah Year 6, Linna Year 6, Hannah Year 5 and Amelia Year 5) are producing next. The four students have been planning and collaborating during their lunchtime in the art room to produce a large painting for my office wall. I cannot wait to see what they create!
On Monday, we had a wonderful Student Wellbeing Day. This day was dedicated to celebrating and acknowledging the importance of children's mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. It was lovely to have our 4 year old Kinder children join in the fun with all our Foundation - Year 6 students. I was very proud of our student leaders supporting and encouraging the younger children to participate in all the activities - see page 3 for details and photos of the special day.
Below are some student comments on what they loved about Student Wellbeing Day:
I loved celebrating Wellbeing Day because I got to say nice things to my buddy and my friends. My buddy and I made a heart that said ‘Kind and Strong Together’. Anastasia -Foundation
My favourite thing was doing the sports outside and the rainbow pillow where we had to lift it up and down and run underneath. It was so much fun! Selina – Foundation
My favourite thing was the special lunch because we got to eat pizza. Matilda – Year 2
My favourite thing about Wellbeing Day was Kaboom sports because I got to play with my friends outside. Jayden – Year 2
Some of the many things I loved about Wellbeing Day was how productive and ecstatic everyone was towards the activities and Kaboom sports members. Another reason I enjoyed it so much was the joy and happiness that Kaboom sports brought to the students and teachers in our school community. Kha – Year 4
I really enjoyed Wellbeing Day. It was a day where we could enjoy our time being with our friends and in our own free dress outfits. It was also a day where people spread lots of kindness and appreciated their surroundings. When the Kaboom Sports Company came, I felt very energetic and eager to do all of the activities. All of the activities were so much fun and it was really nice spending time with the little kids and the whole school. Sophia - Year 6
Student Voice Council - Christmas Appeal
Thank you to Student Voice Council for organising a Christmas Appeal so that families in need will receive gifts for the holiday season. If you are able to donate a gift, please send your donations to the school office by Friday 6th December. Gifts must be new/unused and will be picked up by the Salvation Army who will ensure they are given to those in need.
See the flyer below for gift ideas.
REMINDER: School Concert Tickets
Please ensure you have booked your tickets on Sentral for our annual school concert "Confident" on Friday 13th December. Maximum of 2 tickets per family.
ALL tickets must be booked on Sentral. Payment can be made on Sentral or at the office.
Refer to notice on Sentral for further details. IMPORTANT: All ticket orders must be completed no later than Monday 2nd December. If tickets are not sold out, families will have an opportunity to purchase extra tickets – details for purchasing extra tickets will be advised, if available.
Carmel Nigro