Year 1 Team

Year 1 - We’re nearly done!!
“And now the end is near…”
It is hard to believe that we are rapidly approaching the end of the year and the end of Year 1 for our wonderful students! This term has been a busy one and as we push to the end, the students have all been very resilient and demonstrated a lot of growth through their academic testing.
During English we have focused on the parts of an Information Report and what key information to both look for when reading, and include when writing. We have also taken a deep dive into sentences and their structure making sure that they make sense and include capital letters and full stops. We’ve really enjoyed reading a range of books like Edward and Edwina the Emus, Beegu, The Gingerbread Man, The Gruffalo’s Child and many others as we have worked on retelling exactly what happened in the story.
Throughout the Core Literacy sessions each day, the students have demonstrated a good understanding of the sounds we have been focussing on and are building their confidence to blend and segment words to decode them. Their fluency is also improving steadily through daily practice with books and short passages from books. Students have also enjoyed building their Tricky Word knowledge through active games.
In Maths, we have been building our skills and knowledge around Measurement, Knowing Numbers and Place value and are now moving into Partitioning. During our measurement unit, we have focussed on the capacity of containers and ordering them to see which holds the most and which holds the least. We have also explored Mass and used both hefting and balance scales to test objects to see which is heavier or lighter. We have created objects to hold classroom items using clay to see what can hold the most.
Our Inquiry focus for this term has been on History and the changes made between the past and present times. We have looked at technology like VHS tapes, radio and gaming consoles, as well as changes to clothing, communication and schooling. The students really enjoyed playing with the ‘artefacts’ of flip phones, gaming consoles and various toys.
Thank you for all of your support this term and year!
“In case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
~Damian Hayes, Jess Wallace, Nicole Williams and Claire Ferlauto.