Middle School

Upcoming Activities

Monday 25 - Tuesday 26 November

Year 7 - Year 9 PAT


Friday 29 November

Last Day for Year 7-9 CAT's


Monday 2 - Wednesday 4 December

Year 9 Wilson's Prom Camp


Thursday 5 December

Fun With Dunn day (Alternate day)


Friday 6 December

Year 9 Graduation, 12:25pm


Thursday 12 December

Curriculum Planning Day


Friday 20 December

Last Day of Term 4


2025 Year 9 Electives Released

2025 Year 9 ‘Elective’ subjects have been printed and posted on the windows out the front of the downstairs doors in W-block. Students are encouraged to go and review their Electives when possible (outside of class time).   


It is understandable that a lot of families may have questions regarding the Electives that are allocated, and may even request for a change in some subjects. Please note that there can be multiple Electives that run a semester, and class lists cannot be determined from the information provided. 


Form groups for 2025 will be released before the 6th Dec.  


Please note that we have done what we can to place students in their top preferences/reserves (as required) for Electives, and the Electives class sizes are extremely tight for Year 9 in 2025. As a result, it is likely that minimal changes will be able to be facilitated.  Subject changes are not guaranteed and are based on a range of factors, including timetabling, staff availability, class sizes and research and effort demonstrated by a student throughout this year.  We know that regardless of the outcome, that you/your child will all endeavor to do their best in whatever subject they are in.  Please note that due to the application process involved in My Peer Leader, requests to change in/out of this subject are not possible.   


If students wish to request an Elective change, they must fill in the following form: https://forms.office.com/r/iqLgY5kviQ  


This form is due Wednesday, 27th November at 4pm.   


If you have any questions, please email Tony Leung at: KaiHong.Leung@education.vic.gov.au.


Please note that Elective Subject change requests can ONLY be actioned through submitting the form above.  

Invitation to Year 9 Graduation Ceremony

As the school year comes to a close, we are excited to invite you to join us for our Year 9 Graduation Ceremony. It is a momentous occasion that celebrates the achievements and growth of our students. 


Details of the event are as follows: 

Date: 6th December  

Time: 9am-10:15am

Location: Performance Centre 


The ceremony promises to be a memorable event, filled with reflections on the students' journey, acknowledgment of their accomplishments, and the presentation of certificates. 

To ensure we make the necessary arrangements, kindly reserve a seat by clicking on the following link: 



We look forward to celebrating this special milestone with you and your child. Following the assembly, the remainder of the day will continue as a normal school day.