Admin news

School Saving Bonus
Dear parents and carers,
The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.
From Tuesday 26 November to Thursday 28 November 202, the primary parent or carer will receive an email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code.
The School Saving Bonus will help families cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions, activities and more.
If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.
Parents and carers can use the School Saving Bonus code in store at school-nominated suppliers. Parents and carers can also choose to access the School Saving Bonus online system, where they can allocate part or all the $400 bonus to use at school nominated-online suppliers or for school activities. To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, visit School Saving Bonus | ( A step-by-step user guide will be available on the webpage on 26 November.
Additionally, there is an attached guide on this communication detailing the School Saving Bonus online system.
Please note that when allocating your bonus to school suppliers, the amounts are in increments of $50. If you spend less than the allocated amounts, the money will sit under that supplier until June 30th 2025.
If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code via email by Friday 29 November, please contact the Department of Education by emailing It is The Department of Education who is rolling out this School Saving Bonus.
CJC Admin