CJC's end of year carnival!

End of Year Party – Friday, 6 December
Tickets for the End of Year Party are now live! There will be epic fun fair rides, food, band, petting zoo, teacher dunk tank and more! We are also crossing our fingers that we will once again be able to run “Le Bar” (liquor licence pending approval). Tickets are either General Admission for $10 (required for all attendees over 4 years old/no rides) or Unlimited Rides ($30). Get your tickets here: Party Tickets Here!!
All good parties require even better volunteers! We need parents to assist with set up, patrolling the ride queues, selling & cooking food and pack up. Various shifts are available and we need your support to make the party a success. You can volunteer here: EOYP Volunteer Spreadsheet
2024 Silent Auction / Le Grand Raffle: Thank you to the community members who answered the call to assist with running the 2024 Silent Auction/ Le Grand Raffle. We are still looking for more donations – think professional services, lessons, accommodation/experiences, and food etc… You can directly donate items (and assist our auction volunteer team) by completing the information in this link: Donate here!
Promote your business, support your school and community - Silent Auction and Raffle Fundraiser back for 2024!
After the success of 2023’s silent auction at Caulfield Junior College, we have decided to repeat this fruitful operation to raise funds for our School, showcase the beautiful products and services provided by some of our French, Francophone and Francophile partners and multicultural community retailers, and hopefully it adds to the end-of-year gifting inspiration! At the moment, we are looking for donations to be sold during the auction and raffle which will run from mid November to early December 2024.
If you think you may be able to contribute a donation - you can find more details about the auction and the timeline in the document attached. We hope you will be able to participate in this fundraiser and help us support our School. Last year the funds raised were used to build a new interactive play space at the School.
If you’re ready to make a donation please click here https://bit.ly/cjc2024donation
For eager bidders - more information will follow shortly.
The EFM and Parents Committee
Promouvoir votre business, soutenir l'école et la communauté - Enchères silencieuses et Tombola de retour en 2024!
Suite au succès de nos enchères silencieuses en 2023, nous avons décidé de réitérer cette opération fructueuse pour collecter des fonds pour nos programmes, et pour mettre en valeur les beaux produits et services que nos partenaires français, francophones, francophiles et multiculturels fournissent… et avec un peu de chance, ce sera une source d’inspiration supplémentaire pour les cadeaux de fin d'année ! Nous recherchons dès à présent des dons à vendre lors de la vente aux enchères et tombola qui se déroulera du mi novembre au début décembre 2024.
Si vous pensez pouvoir contribuer un don, veuillez trouver plus de détails sur la vente aux enchères et le calendrier dans le document ci-joint. Nous espérons que vous pourrez participer à cette initiative et nous aider à soutenir nos programmes de français.
Nous vous remercions par avance pour votre soutien !
Si vous êtes prêt à faire un don, veuillez cliquer ici https://bit.ly/cjc2024donation
Et si vous avez envie d' acheter un lot - plus de détails arrivent très bientôt!
L’EFM and Parents Committee
“Le Bar”: If you were a past volunteer for the Bar, and your RSA is still valid, we once again need your help to staff the bar. You can volunteer here: EOYP Volunteer Spreadsheet