Library News

Term II in the Library


This term has been a busy one in the library, our weekly Lunchtime in the Library activities have continued, we celebrated IDAHOBIT in mid-May and have taken delivery of a wide range of new resources as well as running a twisty guessing competition that had most of KHS stumped!


Our wonderful therapy dog, Spock joined us in the library space every Monday this term where he enjoyed being part of our library and literacy classes. 



Spock loves to be read to, patted, and referred to as a very good boy! It has been lovely to see our students interact with Spock and their gentleness towards him demonstrates their caring natures. 



Next term we will celebrate Book Week with a week of reading themed activities, games, and frivolity, as well as raising funds for our fellow readers worldwide who do not have the same level of access to library resources as we do here in the Macleay. Activities will include a read-a-thon, scavenger hunt and a dress-up day where students can come as their favourite fictional character. 


The cosy winter weather is perfect for reading so remember to pick up a book or two at the library here at school or, during the holidays, at any of the Kempsey branch libraries. Happy Reading!


Ms Summers & Ms Williams