A message from the principal

As Term Two draws to a close, I would like to reflect on some of the great things that have been going on through the school. A focus on creating aspiration amongst our students continues including a group of students in Year 10 who spent several days at the University of New England, discovering what university life is like and courses that are available. Many students continue to develop the opportunities such  School Based Traineeships, some students in these have discovered their pathway to a successful school.


To support the wellbeing of young people in response to the struggling mental health of young people, we have launched ‘The Resilience Project.’ All students across the school are involved in lessons that are focused around Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM). Some of these practices may be something to consider to make part of daily life at home, for example, what are you grateful for today? A very popular lunchtime ‘Girls Group’ has been begun by Ms Emily McKay, which provides a quiet environment to try new activities and make new friends.


Programs such as our Green Team, Bro Speak and Ag trips to Wingham Beef Week have continued with many successes and wins. Congratulations is extended to our fabulous Dance group who performed as part of the Lower Mid North Coast Dance Festival. Recently a range of portraits  drawn and painted by students from the Art Department were displayed for our Open Evening, these are simply fabulous. In addition to this, a number of students gained placings in the Lower Mid North Coast Athletics competition and will now move to the next stage. Ms Emily Hovendon has begun a Drama class and students are enjoying exploring their creativity on a Friday afternoon.


Unfortunately we have had to postpone our NAIDOC ceremony today due to poor weather. Our school hall is currently closed and will be for sometime due to maintenance requirements.


We look forward to welcoming our students back to school in Term 3 for another great term. Year 12 now only have ten weeks of formal schooling left and are focused on preparing for their Trial exams.


Enjoy the school holidays.