Classroom News

The end of the term is here! We can’t believe how quickly our first two terms have flown by in Prep.
We couldn’t be more proud of the way our little champions have settled into school and have taken everything in their stride.
Today we had a visit from the amazing Andrew Chinn and were so lucky to workshop ‘These Hands’ with him. We then had the opportunity to perform this song in front of the whole school.
Tomorrow is our last day of term and it is PJ day. We also have a 2:15pm finish.
We hope you have a lovely break and we can’t wait to see you all on Monday July the 15th.
Here is what our teachers had to say about Prep so far this year:
Meg - I have loved my first year in Prep, working with all our wonderful Preps and learning Little Learners Love Literacy and Maths.
Gemma - I have loved getting to know all of the Preps, having lots of silly laughs and teaching Little Learners Love Literacy.
Ava - I have loved working with the Preps, Meg and Gemma, it is a lot of fun and so nice to see the Preps grow through their learning.
Gemma Blake
Meg Knight
11 weeks of learning completed, well done Year 1/2 students!
A very big thank you to our grown ups for attending Learning Conversations this week. We are so proud of all our students and we loved sharing their learning journey with you.
We are looking forward to celebrating the end of term on Friday in our pyjamas and enjoying hot dogs for lunch.
Have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you all back in Term 3.
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Paula Parish
Emma Roberts
Matt O'Dowd
Amanda Delorenzo
Eleven long weeks of learning are coming to a close. Well done to our fabulous, hardworking Year 3’s and 4’s! You should be so proud of all that you have achieved over the past semester, we certainly are!
Sincere thanks to all adults who attended our learning conversations over the past few days. What a joy it is to watch our students sharing their work and stories with you. Thank you for bringing so much positivity and enthusiasm to the conversations. Strong school-home relationships really are crucial to a child’s success.
Special thanks to the adults who went out of their way to express their appreciation towards their children’s teachers and learning support staff. We really put our all into helping your children grow, and it is always nice to have that acknowledged.
Have a wonderful, hopefully restful, break with your children.
We look forward to welcoming them back with new learning adventures for all.
About Learning Conversations:
“I liked when I got to tell my Mum all about my writing.” Harrison Casey
“I liked when I got to show my Mum my Chrome book. I like showing Mum my board game and my Queensland slides.” Axel Ferlazzo
“I’m grateful that Mum and Dad could come, and I’m proud of the work I’ve done in Maths.” Ryder Percy
“I’m grateful my Mum could come in and I am happy with what I’ve done this year.” Addi Gaylard
“I’m grateful that Mum could come in so that I could show her the advertising poster that I worked really hard on.” Louisa Roe
“It was good seeing my parents in school and showing them what I’ve been learning.” Harrison Ackerely
“I liked showing all my work to Mum.” Sydney Borgia
FRIDAY - Early finish 2:15pm
- Gabe's farewell party
- Fun Food Day
- Pyjama Day (wear your pyjamas to school)
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Liza Alexander
Kascha Blair
Matt Absalom
From school sports to ‘are you smarter than a 5th grader’, what a term it has been! It was great to be able to have our learning conversations this week, after all the hard work our students have put in this semester. There were lots of great discussions around their academic and social achievements for the semester.
Today we were able to enjoy a whole school celebration with Andrew Chinn, students were thoroughly engaged with lots of giggles, singing and dancing!
The grade 5/6 team would like to congratulate and welcome Jess Montano into Grade 6 from Term 3. Jess will replace Maegen as she finishes up to welcome some new additions to her family. Students will be quite familiar with Jess as she has already been a valuable member of the Grade 6 team, completing her final rounds in Maegen’s class this term.
A reminder that tomorrow is ‘PJ and fun food day’. Students are welcome to dress up in their PJ’s to finish a fabulous term.
It has been a lovely way to tie up such a successful term and we hope students and their families can enjoy a restful break and return full of enthusiasm for the second half of the year.
Jade LoRicco
Rachel Downard
Leah Martin
Dan Cannon
Maegen Potter