Important Dates
2024 Dates
Thursday 25th - HT Sacrament of First Eucharist Family Night, 6.00pm - 7.00pm at St Jude's Church
Friday 26th July - School Assembly, 2.50 pm (Prep students presenting)
Saturday 27th - HT Sacrament of First Eucharist Commitment Mass, 6.00pm OR
Sunday 28th - HT Sacrament of First Eucharist Commitment Mass, 10.30am
Wednesday 31st - 100 Days of Prep Celebration, parade & presentation in the Great Space at 9.00am
Thursday 1st - Sacrament of Confirmation. 5:30pm & 7:00pm
Friday 2nd - School Closure Day (staff professional learning)
Thursday 8th - Mary of the Cross Mass at St Judes, 10.00am
Friday 9th - 1/2 Blue presenting at Assembly
Wednesday 14th - Assumption of Mary, School Mass, Holy Trinity, 2.30pm
Friday 16th - Italian Day
Friday 23rd - 3/4 Green presenting at Assembly
Thursday 29th - Father's Day Afternoon activity (details to follow)
Friday 30th - Father's Day Stall
Friday 6th - 5/6 Yellow presenting at assembly
Tuesday 10th - Art Show
Saturday 14th - HT Sacrament of First Eucharist, 2.00pm OR 4.00pm
Thursday 19th - Footy Day & Lunch, wear football clothes/ colours
Friday 20th - Book week Parade Dress up
Friday 20th - Torch Bearers Assembly
Friday 20th - Final Day of Term 3 (1.00pm finish)
Monday 7th - First Day of Term 4
Monday 4th - School Closure Day
Tuesday 5th - Melbourne Cup Day (Public Holiday)
Wednesday 11th - Year 6 Graduation Mass & Ceremony 6pm
Tuesday 17th - Last Day for Students