Careers Corner

Year 9 and Year 10 2024 Course Counselling For Year 10 and Year 11 2025
Years 9 and 10 Students, Parents and Carers,
At the beginning of Term 3 we will be holding an Important Parent Information Night in our Lecture Theatre with regards to subject selection for 2025. Further details regarding the event, and the subsequent course counselling interviews, will be provided prior to the end of Term 2.
The Year 10 2025 Course Information Evening will be held for Parents/Guardians and current Year 9 students in the Balam Balam (Senior School) Lecture Theatre on Wednesday 17th July at 6:30pm. Important information about the course selection process and course interviews will also be outlined during the presentation.
Prior to the presentation, subject and program options will also be on display from 5:30pm until 6:15pm in B5 for parents/guardians and students to gather further information and talk to staff about the various senior school options on offer in Year 10.
The Year 11 2025 Course Information Evening will be held for Parents/Guardians and current Year 10 students in the Balam Balam (Senior School) Lecture Theatre on Wednesday 17th July at 5:30pm. Important information about the course selection process and course interviews will also be outlined during the presentation.
Following the presentation, subject and program options will also be on display from 6:15pm until 7pm in B5 for parents/guardians and students to gather further information and talk to staff about the various senior school options on offer.
Please be advised that the Year 10 2025 Course Selection Handbook and the 2025 Senior School Course Selection Handbook will be available on our website shortly. Further communication will be sent as soon as they are released.
We look forward to seeing you at our Course Counselling Evening on the 17th July.
Year 10 Work Experience
Well done to all of the students who took part in work experience this week. This week is an important week in our calendar with students able to gain practical, on the job experience and skills at a work placement. It is extremely worthwhile; giving the students a chance to try out their chosen career, the ability to improve their communication skills, build self-confidence and to develop contacts with potential employers.
During the week our teachers have been visiting each of the students in their workplace for both employer and student feedback - with fantastic reports received.
Employment Opportunity
Myfuture Online Event - Navigating your post-school plans with confidence
We have mentioned Myfuture to you on a number of occasions in the past. This is a governmnet website that hosts a wide range of careers and course information and much more.
Myfuture is holding an online event on Wednesday, 24th July, between 5pm-6pm. It is geared towards school leavers and will discuss post school pathways, what happens if you don't know what to do or have changed your mind in reference to a career, how to research, who to speak to etc.
For further information and to register, please click on the button below:
RMIT Early Offers Open Now
RMIT's Early Offer Program is now live! Year 12 students - you can use your life experiences and skills for consideration, allowing you to be accepted on a lower ATAR and potentially offered a conditional offer in September for study in 2025.
RMIT Open Day 2024
- Explore campuses and get first-hand experience with RMIT facilities - from labs to tech-integrated learning spaces
- Discover student life and find out what study experiences will be like at RMIT
- Catch presentations, Q&As and more where you’ll learn all there is to know about courses
- Meet employers, lecturers and current RMIT students
Date: Sunday 4th August
Location: Bundoora Campus
Time: 10am - 4pm
Date: Sunday 11th August
Location: Brunswick Campus
Time: 10am - 3pm
Date: Sunday 11th August
Location: City Campus
Time: 10am - 4pm
Swinburne University of Technology Early Entry Program and Events
A Day in the Life of a Swinburne TAFE Student
TAFE is a great option for those who can’t wait to get hands-on experience, with certificate and diploma courses providing the skills students need to be job ready. Students have the chance to experience a day in the life of a TAFE student at their two special events at Swinburne’s Wantirna and Croydon campuses. With 11 different study areas to choose from, interactive workshops, a chance to ask teaching staff lots of questions, a free lunch and more.
Date: 2nd July 2024
Location: Wantirna Campus
Date: 11th July 2024
Location: Croydon Campus
2025 Early Entry Program
The Early Entry Program lets Year 12 students apply to Swinburne sooner and without their ATAR. Instead, Swinburne assess each application using an online application, which includes first completing our next gen_now questionnaire, and then our College providing a recommendation.
Check out all of the details of their 2025 Early Entry Program, including the list of participating courses, FAQs, and more. Please note the corresponding VTAC codes will be listed alongside the eligible courses on the website once released.
Meet real Swinburne students at their Open Day
Speaking with real Swinburne students at Open Day and learning about their journeys and triumphs after high school can help students get confident in their choices.
Photography Studies College Free Photography and Digital Imaging Workshops
Photography Studies College are hosting three free photography and digital imaging workshops especially for Year 11 & 12 students in the school holidays.
If you are studying subjects like studio arts or visual communication design, these workshops will help boost your skills and fire up your creativity!
In these 3 "hands-on” practical events, students can learn helpful tips and ways to be creative with studio lighting, people photography and much more in a fun and dynamic way from their team of photography and imaging professionals.
Students can choose from the following:
Date: Tuesday 2nd July
Time: 10am - 1pm
Workshop: Screen Media: Film Making 'Lights, Camera, Action'
Date: Thursday 4th July
Time: 10am - 1pm
Workshop: Studio Experience 'Portrait and Fashion Photography'
Date: Thursday 4th July
Time: 10am - 1pm
Workshop: Studio Experience 'Still Life and Product Photography
Photography Studies College
37-47 Thistlethwaite Street
South Melbourne
Students need to bring their smartphone or digital/mirrorless camera (if you have one)
Have you ever considered employment as a Chef?
What is a chef?
A chef is a culinary professional who specialises in the preparation, cooking, and presentation of food. Chefs work in a variety of settings, including restaurants, hotels, catering companies, and residential facilities. Their role goes beyond cooking; chefs also plan menus, source ingredients, manage kitchen staff, and ensure the smooth kitchen operations.
What skills and strengths are needed?
Chefs must be creative and have a passion for food. They need excellent organisational skills; the ability to multitask; and the ability to keep calm in fast-paced environments. Teamwork and communication are crucial, as are problem-solving skills. A keen eye for detail and a commitment to high standards of food safety and hygiene are also necessary.
What are the pathways?
An apprenticeship is the usual pathway to become a qualified chef with a Certificate III in Commercial Cookery then continued education and on-the-job training.
(from Career Tools)
Early Education Teacher/Educator
With the introduction of 3-year-old kindergarten in Victoria, it is estimated that approximately 11,000 new early education teachers will be required. This is a growth area and, if anyone is considering this as a career, now is the time. The government has introduced a number of scholarships to encourage students to train in this field.
Early Education Teachers (not to be confused with childcare assistants) complete a teaching degree at university, as do primary and secondary teachers. They specialise in children up to 5 years of age and, as well as focusing on childhood development, health, well-being, diversity and so on, they also study literacy, numeracy, science and the arts. Work placement is also a mandatory part of the course.
Many universities offer the opportunity to combine Early Education and Primary Teaching so that graduates can work in both sectors. This increases job options once a student has completed their degree as they can work in Early Education or Primary Schools.
What do I need to gain entry into a course?
The majority of universities require a study score of 25 in English; other studies can be chosen from any learning area. Health and Human Development is a popular VCE subject that can provide students with useful knowledge if they wish to pursue an Early Education Degree, as is mathematics (however, they are not pre-requisites). The ATAR is usually around 60+ however, this is dependent upon where you wish to study. There is a range of pathway courses that students can use to enrol in further education in this field if they do not meet the perquisites, such as diploma or advanced diploma courses in a related field; complete these and then use them to pathway into a degree course.
Becoming an Early Education Teacher/Educator
For further information go to: and enter Early Education Teacher
Your Career -
Your Career is a government website that contains a plethora of information ranging from a career quiz to free fee TAFE courses, VET courses, industry information, apprenticeship support and more.
The tabs include information on the Home screen, What’s New, Industries, Occupations, Learning and Training, Resources and Support. Click on the Learning and Training tab to find out more about Apprenticeships: why become an apprentice, who can apply for apprenticeships, new energy apprenticeships, financial support for apprentices, priority industries and more. Go to the Support tab to find out about support for school-leavers, how to get job ready, assistance for VET students and higher education, what work support is available.
For further information visit:
The Australian Defence Force
Work Experience Opportunities
The ADF provides students with a range of work experience opportunities throughout the year. They are usually hands-on and interactive, giving students a good look at possible future careers within the defence force. Students must be at least 15 years of age to take part in this program. As these opportunities often take place during the school term, students would need to speak to their team leader concerning dates.
For further information about the program, go to:
For further information on opportunities, click on the button below:
For student information, please visit:
Have you considered a career with Victoria Police?
Here are the dates for their July and August Online Webinars. Please click on the button below the date for all of the information and to register.
Victoria Police Careers Information Session - Online Webinar
Victoria Police Life at the Academy - Online Webinar
Victoria Police Careers Information Session - Online Webinar
Victoria Police Life at the Academy - Online Webinar
Collarts School Holiday Workshops
Collarts is a tertiary arts education college. Experience what it’s like to live a day in the life of a Collarts student. There are 15 workshops to choose from across 2 days.
Cost and Dates
- Saturday 6th July and Sunday 7th July
- $15 for a half-day workshop
- $30 for a full-day workshop
- Get 50% off your second workshop when you purchase 2 or more tickets.
Workshop Details
These winter school holidays, Collarts is opening its doors for students in Years 10, 11 and 12 to participate in a series of practical, hands-on workshops. Lunch will be provided for full-day workshops and snacks will be provided for half-day workshops.
Workshop topics:
- Fabric accessory workshop
- Fashion styling and social media campaign
- Monologue performance preparation
- Photowalk discover
- Designing display type
- The power of graphic stories
- Foley sound for film
- Instrumental music, vocal, or songwriting workshops
- Pro-recording workshop
- Arranging and sequencing in Ableton
- Marketing an artist
- Event experience design
R U OK? Art Competition
Artwork must be a drawing, painting, or mixed media work responding to the question: What does an R U OK? Conversation mean to you?
Open to: Year 7 and 8 students
Open until the 5th July 2024.
ANU Health & Medicine Poster Competition
In teams of 2-4, create a poster addressing the theme: How may AI improve life, health and wellbeing for Australians in the future? Win up to $1000!
Open to Year 10-12 students
Open until 8th July 2024.
Robert Menzies Speech Competition
Theme: ‘That is the great work of migration, building a nation’. How has post-war immigration contributed to Australia’s development and prosperity?
Open to Year 9-12 students
Open until 14th July 2024.
Maths and Stats Research Competition
Use your creativity and problem-solving skills to make choices about how best to ask and answer questions about your project. Enter individually or as a team.
Open to Year 9-12 students
Open until 14th July 2024.
Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition
Business and Financial Planning helps you see the interconnectedness in business operations allowing you to have an in-depth understanding of business functions. This Competition will provide a real world context for your learning.
The competition also builds your enterprise skills:
- Organisation and planning
- Decision making
- Research and communication
- Prioritising and collaborating
- Enterprise and critical thinking
- Reflection and action
- Creativity and innovation
Open to all full-time students attending a registered secondary school in Australia, there are two divisions:
- One: Individual students of any age, attending a registered secondary school in Australia.
- Two: Groups of up to six students. Entries must be submitted by Friday, 13th September.