
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Learning & Teaching

Dear Parents /Guardians


I write to you at the conclusion of our Year 10 and 11 Exam Period and the conclusion of Unit 3 that often culminates in a build-up of SACs and assessments.  I congratulate all the students for the manner in which they have prepared for and conducted themselves during exams. 


Some students will be happy with their results, others may be disappointed with some of their results.  All students, if they have tried their best should be proud of themselves.  For any student who didn’t try their best, I encourage them to reflect on what they did in the lead up to and during exams, and consider how they can do better next time. 


When reflecting and reviewing exams, it is good for students to see what they have performed well in, and what they could improve upon content-wise.  However, it is much more important to reflect on the process.  Students should reflect on their approach towards revision and preparation, as well as how they managed the assessment and exam period.  Once they have identified what did and didn't work for them, they can then focus on refining and improving these strategies in the future.  This will help them develop their own best routines and strategies in order to prepare for future exams.


We have now started Semester Two, which is a time for students to take stock, reflect on the successes of Semester One and develop some goals for Semester Two. 


Good luck to all Unit 3 & 4 students with the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Tuesday 18 June.  A reminder that while there is no need to prepare for the GAT, students should try their best and approach the GAT seriously.  Also, every student completing a Unit 3 & 4 study should complete the GAT, as this also assesses whether students meet the literacy and numeracy standard. 


I wish everyone well for the last two weeks of term.  In particular, I hope the Year 10s enjoy and are inspired by their week of Community Action, and I look forward to hearing what 9 Barak and 9 Mackillop have learned when they present at their Synergy Conference Evening on 26 June.


I wish you and the students the best of luck as you negotiate the last few weeks of the term.

Ms Lucy Neil

Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching


Host Families Needed for Students Visiting from Japan