DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing & Operations
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing & Operations
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope this edition of the College News find you all well. As you read this newsletter all students at the College are, or have been involved in completing their final assessments for this semester, whether it be in the classroom at Year 7 – 9 & Year 12 level, or in formal exams at Year 10 & 11 level. I do encourage students and parents to carefully read all feedback provided to students on any of these assessments and aim to implement all aspects of this feedback in Semester 2. It has also been a successful semester from a Wellbeing perspective, with many initiatives, activities, events and guest speakers being involved in the life of the College, but I have no doubt that all of the students and the staff are looking forward to a much-deserved break later this month.
Energy Drinks
I remember writing about this in previous years and perhaps end of semester assessments, extra study, late nights and some heightened levels of anxiety associated with all of the above make this issue re-surface at the safe time each year. I have noticed an increase in the number of students arriving to school consuming or having consumed energy drinks. Some of the more popular and recognisable ones are ‘Red Bull’ or ‘V’. Whilst we cannot control what food and drinks students consume outside of school, we have some serious concerns with students consuming drinks of this nature.
Studies conducted suggest that the consumption of energy drinks can pose several dangers for young people. Some of these potential risks and concerns have been outlined below:
It is important for all of us to take an educative approach about the potential dangers of excessive energy drink consumption and really promote healthy alternatives such as water, natural fruit juices or herbal teas. Encouraging a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are also crucial for maintaining energy levels and overall well-being.
We ask that all parents and guardians spend some time speaking to their daughters’ about this. There are some further resources available by following the links below:
Top of Form
Screen Time
Whilst the COVID pandemic seems to be a distant thought and families have mostly returned to pre-COVID routines, many are still struggling to restore screen usage boundaries and rules for their children. Some people continue to deal with digital conflicts and ‘tech dependency’ on a daily basis. Latest research and statistics indicate that over 75% of teens spend more than 5 hours a day in front of a screen, whether it be a mobile phone, iPad, computer or even a television. Parents play a vital role in modelling a positive and healthy approach to screen use and helping children navigate the content they see. It is better to model and mentor screen use rather than to monitor it. Children tend to do more of what they see us do and less of what we tell them to do. However, it is still important to outline the risks and emphasise the benefits of screen usage in order to maintain a balanced mindset. Parents and guardians are encouraged to initiate discussions around the issues that people experience in monitoring their screen time and be honest about their own difficulties. Please remember that excessive screen time can adversely affect a child's overall health. Parents need to be aware of the potential impact of screen time on a child's social, emotional, educational, behavioural and even physical spheres, and therefore parents need to maintain a solid and consistent approach to managing screen times.
Finally, it's also important to make sure you have the right privacy settings to prevent your child from being accidentally exposed to inappropriate content or online predators. Strategies, advice and parent webinars can always be found on the Office of the e-Safety Commissioner website https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents
Cold and Flu Season & COVID
With the cold and flu season well and truly upon us, can I please ask parents to remind their daughters to exercise all of the appropriate protocols if they have any symptoms of a cold or flu. Practicing good hygiene, washing/sanitizing hands regularly, covering mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing, wearing a mask, avoiding close contact with others and also staying home,are all protocols that will minimise the spreading of germs.
Whilst there are no longer any government rules around managing COVID and it has been left to individual work places, media reports suggest that there has been an increase in cases over the last few weeks. So, at the Academy we are requesting that if you contract COVID, you inform Ms. Jessica Synaphet at attendance@academy.vic.edu.au as per normal.
Then in order to return to school we ask that these two criteria are met:
a) students need to test negative and
b) students need to be asymptomatic.
The ‘5 day’ rule is no longer in place.
Year 10 Community Action Week
We wish all of our Year 10 students a successful Community Action Week during the last week of this term. Thank you to Ms. Anne-Marie Allen, Mr. Mark Hyland, Ms. Lauren Sach and Ms. Amelia Bongetti for all of their work behind the scenes to ensure all students have a placement.
As always, please remember, never hesitate to be in touch should you have any queries or concerns.
Mr Sam Di Camillo
Deputy Principal, Wellbeing & Operations