Year 1 News

Puffing Billy

Puffing Billy Excursion 

To complement our Unit of Inquiry - 'Journeys have evolved over time', the Year One students were treated to a trip on Puffing Billy.  


We arrived at Belgrave station nice and early, ready for a picnic recess on the platform. The train departed Belgrave and the children enjoyed an hour-long journey on the old steam train.   


The children were then split into two groups and rotated between two activities, with one group walking to the park for a picnic lunch and play, while the other group visited the new Lakeside Station Visitor Centre.  


 We enjoyed watching an interactive presentation about the history of the first locomotive, followed by a hands-on, educator led workshop tied to our Unit of Inquiry.   


Please see the video above to watch all the excitement of our day.  


Student Reflections: 


On Monday we went to Puffing Billy and when we got going there was lots of steam and my favourite part was when we got to stand up. 

Ben 1A 


Guess what? I went on Puffing Billy. The old train 3A, was missing some of its parts. The train ride was 1 hour. 

Grace 1A 


We went to Puffing Billy! Me and my friends saw 503 animals!!! My favourite part was the museum and we had so much fun. 

James 1C 


I was so excited because 1C got to go on Puffing Billy. Once we had arrived at the station, we talked with the educator and then we ate our snack. When we got to Lakeside, one of the groups went to the museum. At the museum we saw a video about 3A – the very first Puffing Billy. I had lots of fun! On the way back to school we went on a movie bus. I had a great time.  

Mia 1C 


I loved when I learnt how they took pieces of 3A to make the other trains to work. That’s why 3A the train is so special. I loved it when Liam and I were looking out and spotting animals on Puffing Billy.  

Xavier L 1C 


Guess what? I went on Puffing Billy. It was very fun and exciting! My favourite part was looking for animals in the rainforest. 

Julian 1A 


On Monday the best thing happened we went on Puffing Billy. It was so exciting. We had to look for animals on the train. We also went on the playground. 

Holly 1A 


Student Action 

The Year 1 students have been so engaged in our new unit “Journeys have evolved over time,” and it has been great to see so many students bringing in books and artefacts that relate to our unit of inquiry. Some students have even been making up their own homework about the unit and presenting it to the class. Well done Year 1! 



Class Displays 

The students have been showing off their creativity with some great class displays. The enjoyed reflecting on their excursion to Puffing Billy and these reflections formed the basis of a corridor display. They have also enjoyed creating Air, Land and Water Collages in the classroom.