Student of the Week    

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Sallin showed focus and dedication in art by creating a beautiful rainy day oil pastel art work with a colour wheel umbrella. She exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner” and is a great role model for her peers.

Chinese - Kyrie 1B for being a great learner in Chinese class. Kyrie participated in class actively and answered questions consistently. He showed his concentration to learn and ability to speak the language. Well done!!


6A - Emily This award is for being an exemplary student always focusing on her learning.  Keep up the great work Emily!

6B -Amos This award is for being respectful and collaborating with his peers in the classroom.  Well done.

6C - Reina This award is for  her dedication to  improving her writing in her own time at home.  What a fantastic effort Reina!


5A - Kim for being brave and giving all activities at camp a go. Well done for being a role model to your peers and showing resilience throughout the entire week. Well done :) 

5B - Johnathan for participating in every activity at camp and being a great team member. Well done Johnathan!

5C - Max for your incredible resilience and teamwork while at camp. It was great to see you attempt the activities while cheering on your teammates. Well done for being a great friend. 


4A - Jena for displaying collaborative behaviours when working with her peers. Jena demonstrates a positive mindset when engaged in small group activities. She listens carefully and responds with fairness and respect, making sure everyone’s views are heard. Congratulations Jena!

4B - Uday for showing the school value of Pride. He takes great care of his work books which are always presented neatly. Well done Uday!

4C - Eva for displaying integrity, resilience and collaboration during our Buddy session this week. Your support, patience, and knowledge have set a commendable example for your foundation buddy, as well as your peers. Well done, Eva!


3A - Kresdaf for displaying kindness towards his peers and teachers. He is beginning to interact more positively in the yard too. Well done, Kresdaf!

3B - Christina for the fabulous work you have been doing whilst creating your Google Slides information report on amur leopards. The way you have included colours, pictures and captions has really made your work pop 😊 Incredible job, Christina!

3C - Audrey for demonstrating the school value of Pride and Resilience when working on her learning tasks. She always puts in her best effort and is open to a challenge. Keep up the excellent work, Audrey!


2A - Richy for working hard to achieve his learning goals of reading High Frequency Words and recognising the sounds all letters make. You have learnt so much this term and you should be so proud of yourself! Well done!

2B - Achilles  for displaying our DPW values and being a role model to your peers, also for all of his efforts with his learning. Keep up the great work!

2C - Elihu for always demonstrating the DPW values and being inclusive of others. Elihu, you are a wonderful friend to your peers and are always willing to help them. Well done, Elihu!


1B -  Phoenix has been awarded student of the week for his Resilience during Writing. Phoenix listened to feedback and worked hard to write simple sentences about crabs that he could read back. Well done Phoenix! 

1A -Saachi for being a learner in the classroom by staying on task and trying her best to learn new skills. Keep up the great effort Saachi!


FA - Brayden for demonstrating Resilience this week when faced with challenges. 

Keep it up! 

FB - Akshdha for demonstrating pride. In Writing, Akshdha consistently presented her work with pride. She focused on writing neatly, and ensured that she could read back her writing. Well done Akshdha!


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

2C - Elihu for always demonstrating the DPW values and being inclusive of others. Elihu, you are a wonderful friend to your peers and are always willing to help them. Well done, Elihu!


Upper primary: 

4A - Jena for displaying collaborative behaviours when working with her peers. Jena demonstrates a positive mindset when engaged in small group activities. She listens carefully and responds with fairness and respect, making sure everyone’s views are heard. Congratulations Jena!