Principal's Report

Senka King

Hello everyone,


I am excited to return to school after a 10-week holiday in Europe. It was a wonderful opportunity to rest, recharge and gain fresh perspectives. While the break was thoroughly enjoyable and provided much-needed respite, it is even better to be back at school, reconnecting with our vibrant community and continuing our work together. 


School Review

This week I have been meeting with students, staff and parents and catching up on recent events and working with the Leadership team preparing for our school review which will be occurring at the end of next term. 


Parent Teacher Conferences

As always, I love seeing the interactions between our students, teachers, and families at the mid-year conferences. This is an important time to celebrate your child’s achievements and acknowledge the progress they have made. Teachers were grateful to hear your feedback and that you are noticing that your child’s reading, writing and maths skills have improved over the year.


If for some reason you were not able to attend, please call the school office and the staff can arrange for your child/rens teacher to make contact with you to arrange another time to meet or to have a phone conference. 


End of Term 2

Please remember we finish school early on Friday the 28th of June at 2:30pm. 

The cleaners will be in attendance during some days of the holidays but if you see anything of concern happening at the school, do not hesitate to call the police.


Term 3

Students return to school on Tuesday the16th of July.


Mathematics – Curriculum Day

Monday, 15th of July is a Curriculum Day and only teachers are required at school. On this day teachers will be working on the new Mathematics curriculum and adjusting the teaching program to reflect the new content.


Thank you again for your support over this term. Have a safe break and we look forward to seeing you next term. 


Kindest regards, 


Senka King
