
Positive Behaviours for Learning
At SFS, our PBL (Positive behaviours for learning) school wide expectations are:
Responsibility and
The whole school has a PBL lesson on a Monday at 1pm. This week we have continued to focus on RESPONSIBILITY: Be SAFE outdoors.
We have also been focusing on routines for leaving school at the end of the day, what the expected behaviours are and where children can and can not play after school. This routine helps to keep everyone safe.
S.R.C is coming!
The students are buzzing at SFS. We are going to start a Student Representative Council (S.R.C.) group in Term 3. This will give the students a chance to have a voice, express their thoughts and feelings about the school and be involved in some decision making and action in the school to make things better.
2 senior and 2 junior students will be selected by the teachers from each learning space. We are looking for students who are a good role model to other students, strive to do their best, consistently demonstrate our school expectations of Respect, Responsibility and Kindness and can be a good listener as well as confident to speak in front of others.
The senior students were given a chance to write a short speech saying why they believed they would be a good choice and how they meet the criteria. The junior teachers selected students. The S.R.C. will work with Rachel and Christine on Monday afternoons at 2.20 pm when the other senior students have Action Teams. We will announce the selected students next term where they will be presented with an S.R.C. badge at assembly. WATCH THIS SPACE!!!
NAIDOC Week is important as it’s an opportunity for learning, connection and community celebration. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. It starts the week beginning Sunday 7th July. We will celebrate NAIDOC week the first week back of term 3, leading into our Specialist day which will be on Thursday 25th July.
The theme this year is “Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud”. The choir will be performing the song “Black Fella, White Fella” on Thursday 25th July at a special assembly at 2.30 pm in the Multipurpose hall.
Parents and families are most welcome to join us in our celebration. The children will be sharing what they have learnt throughout the day.
Parents are also welcome to attend a special concert we are having on Specialist day at 9 am in the Multipurpose hall. We have booked the concert “Didge and Dance Performance” with Digeridoo Australia. “
Action for Happiness Calendar
Jump back July. We all experience setbacks in life. This months calendar has some ideas to help you bounce back from these setbacks. Try some of these with the family over the July school holidays.
Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS)
While school holiday time can be lots of fun for kids, it can also be a time where they may use a large amount of screen time. This can impact their mental health and wellbeing. While there are many benefits of using devices there are also some things to be wary of. The following information comes from the Raising children website (www.raisingchildren.net.au). I hope you find it helpful.
“Screen time and digital technology use: part of a healthy lifestyle
Screen time and digital technology use are normal parts of life for most children and teenagers. The time your child spends watching TV and using computers, gaming consoles, smart toys, tablets and smartphones can be part of a healthy lifestyle.
It’s all about making sure of these key things:
- Children enjoy plenty of healthy, fun activities, both with and without screens, including physical activity, reading, creative play and social time with family and friends.
- When children do use screens, they watch or use quality content.
And don’t forget sleep! A healthy, balanced lifestyle for children includes enough good-quality sleep.
Current national and international guidelines recommend that children under 2 years don’t have screen time other than video-chatting.
Checklist for a healthy approach to screen time and digital technology use
These questions can help you check whether your child is using screens and digital technology in a balanced and healthy way.
Is your child:
- sleeping enough?
- physically healthy?
- mentally and emotionally healthy?
- engaged with school?
- connecting socially with family and friends, online and offline?
- enjoying a variety of hobbies and interests?
- doing physical activity every day?
- having fun and learning while using screens?
- using quality content?
If you answer yes to most or all of these questions, your child is probably using digital technology in a balanced way as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Questions or concerns about screen time and digital technology use
It’s OK to have questions or concerns about whether your family has a healthy and balanced approach to screen time and digital technology use. The articles below have tips and suggestions to help.
How can we use digital technology in healthy and balanced ways?”
- Screen time and digital technology use for children 6-11 years: tips for balance
- Screen time, digital technology use and your family: a healthy approach
- Parents, screen time and digital technology use: role-modelling for children
- Screen time and digital technology use: how it affects child and teenage sleep
What is quality content?
Twilight Market
Our annual Twilight Market and biannual Art show will be on this year on Thursday 7th November 2024 from 5 to 8 pm. The cost of a stall this year is 30 dollars. This is an event we always look forward to each year. If anyone has a small business they would like to promote or students and families would like to have their own stall, please speak with me or email me rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au with details of your stall.
Please let your family and friends know as well. Let’s make this year’s market the best one yet. The market forms need to be completed and returned to school by the end of next week.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe Term 2 holidays. Recharge the batteries, enjoy some family time and stay warm! I look forward to working with you all in Term 3.
Rachel Lenko
Mental Health and Wellbeing leader