Important Dates

Important Dates 2024
Term Dates:
Term 2 : 15.04.24 - 28.06.24
Term 3 : 15.07.24 - 20.09.24
Term 4 : 07.10.24 - 20.12.24
Save the Date: Thursday, 7th November, 2024 - Twilight Market and Art Show
Playground supervision before school is from 8:30 am - 8:45 am
Playground supervision after school is from 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Parents are advised to use Kharisma Kids Before & After School Care if required for supervision outside school hours.
All dates are subject to change.
2024 | |
JUNE | |
Sun 30th | 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
JULY | |
1st - 12th | School Holidays - Kharisma Kids Vacation Care Program - out now - please see Kharisma Kids - OSHC page for program |
Fri 12th | Sacramental Photos - order before this date for free delivery |
Sun 14th | 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
1 pm - 3 pm Mowing Roster |
Tue 16th | 6.45 pm P & F Committee Meeting (Community Room) all welcome 7.30 pm School Advisory Council Meeting |
Thu 18th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room
11.30 am - Confirmation formation sessions with Fr Fabian (for students)
State Cross Country |
Fri 19th | 11.30 am - Formation Sessions for Confirmation Candidates with Fr Fabian
2.40 pm Assembly - general |
Sun 21st | 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Thu 25th | Specialist Day
8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room
9.00 am Specialist Day Incursion - Digeridoo performance - all welcome
2.30 pm NAIDOC Week assembly in the Hall - all welcome |
Fri 26th | Divisional Winter Sports Final
11.35 am Mass - Feast of Joachim and St Anne
Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles - $1 each (helpers needed) |
Sun 28th | 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Thu 1st | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room
11.30 am - Formation Sessions for Confirmation Candidates with Fr Fabian (Banner and poster due to Rozeta) |
Fri 2nd | 100 days of Prep
Winter ISS: SFS vs Hampton Park PS (home game)
Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles - $1 each (helpers needed)
2.40 pm Assembly - Juniors |
Sun 4th | 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Mon 5th | Grandparents' Day (save the date) |
Thu 8th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room
LS3 Space Mass - Feast of Mary of the Cross Mackillop |
Fri 9th | Winter ISS: Casey Fields PS vs SFS (away game)
Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles - $1 each (helpers needed) |
Sat 10th | 1 pm - 3 pm Mowing Roster |
Sun 11th | 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Thu 15th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room
Feast of the Assumption - Senior Mass at 11.45 am |
Fri 16th | Winter ISS: Rangebank PS vs SFS (away game)
Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles - $1 each (helpers needed)
2.40 pm Assembly - Seniors |
Sun 18th | 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Tue 20th | 4.30 pm - 7.30 pm - Mini Vinnies Soup and Chat
6.45 pm P & F Committee Meeting (Community Room) all welcome 7.30 pm School Advisory Council Meeting |
Thu 22nd | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room
11.30 am - Formation Sessions for Confirmation Candidates with Fr Fabian |
Fri 23rd | Winter ISS: SFS vs St Kevin's (home game)
Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles - $1 each (helpers needed) |
Sun 25th | 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Thu 29th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room
9.45 am - Year 6 Confirmation candidates to meet Bishop Tony Ireland There is a $25 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost of stoles. This levy needs to be paid in full (cash only) to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, Home Group and name of Sacrament being received. |
Fri 30th | Mini Vinnies School Conference Event
Fathers' Day Breakfast Fathers' Day Stall
Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles - $1 each (helpers needed)
2:40 pm Assembly - Juniors |
Sun 1st | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Mon 2nd | Book Week Activity Day - "Reading is Magic" |
Tue 3rd | Retreat day for Sacrament of Confirmation candidates (Year 6's) |
Thu 5th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room |
Fri 6th | Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles - $1 each (helpers needed)
2.15 pm Mass - Feast of St Teresa of Calcutta |
Sat 7th | 12 pm Mass - Sacrament of Confirmation at St Kevin's Church (Year 6's) |
Sun 8th | 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Wed 11th | Yr 5/6 Winter Lightning Premiership at various locations |
Thu 12th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room |
Fri 13th | Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles - $1 each (helpers needed) |
Sat 14th | 9 am - 11 am Mowing Roster |
Sun 15th | 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Wed 18th | Divisional Athletics |
Thu 19th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room
1.00 pm Students Finish
2.00 - 8.00 pm Parent/Teacher Interviews |
Fri 20th | Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles - $1 each (helpers needed)
Footy Fun Day
1.00 pm Early dismissal - Last day of Term 3 |
Sun 22nd | 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
23rd Sept til Fri 4th Oct | School Holidays - Kharisma Kids Vacation Care Program |
Sun 29th | 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Sun 6th | 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Tue 8th | For Year 2 children receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation: 6.30 pm Registration and Enrolment followed by Mass 7 pm - Mass - at St Kevin's Church |
Thu 10th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room |
Fri 11th | Friday Fun Snack at first lunch - zooper doopers and icy poles (helpers needed) |
Sat 12th | Working Bee # 2 |
Sun 13th | 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B |
Tue 15th | 7 pm - 8 pm - Reconciliation Information Night (Year 2's) at St Kevin's School Hall |
Thu 17th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room |
Thu 24th | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room |
Sat 26th | 9 am - 11 am Mowing Roster |
Thu 31st | 8.40 am Second Hand Uniform Shop - Community Room |
Tue 19th | 7 pm - Sacrament of Reconciliation - Year 2's at St Kevin's Church |