School Council News

School Council met again this week, on the 18th June. We had the pleasure of welcoming Isla and Harry, two of this year’s senior Junior School Councillors to share some of their roles over the past month. It was wonderful to hear that our Grade 6 JSC members have been hosting the Prep tours, alongside Mat and Lisa, for next year’s prospective families. This initiative showcases their leadership skills and commitment to welcoming new families to our school community. We thank the JSC for their dedication, excellent efforts and for making a positive impact on our school community. We would like to also acknowledge the work of the JSC in collecting donations for the Winter Charity Drive in support of West Welcome Wagon.
There was a real buzz during Mat’s summary of the ‘Principal report’, particularly when discussing the upcoming ‘Lantern Walk.’ It was noted over 600 attendees have registered, what a fantastic result! Furthermore, some real enthusiasm and excitement was around the Parents Association’s recent AGM whereby their name was agreed to be changed back to ‘Friends of Willy’, a name which goes back many years prior to the school having a constitutional association. Mat’s summary concluded with a sincere apology around the mix up of curriculum days/ professional practice days.
A thorough overview was then provided from Cheryl around the recent ‘AUP’ (Agreed-Upon Procedures) audit which forms part of the School Council Financial Assurance (SCFA) Program. The SCFA Program is designed to provide assurance over controls and identify areas of improvement at the school level. Overall, Williamstown Primary School rated ‘Good’, which is a fantastic result, well done to the entire team at the school.
Much was discussed in the area of Buildings and Grounds. The VSBA (Victorian School Building Authority) has now appointed a Project Manager to pick up the remaining ‘Priority 2’ maintenance items on some of the heritage listed buildings. Applications for ‘Capital Works Grants’ from the department are now open. Mat and the leadership team will be aiming to seek a grant to upgrade the Junior Redbrick toilets, no doubt a worthwhile cause. Best of luck with the application, Mat. Some minor works have also occurred recently with the installation of new gates and fences. These look fantastic!
School Council’s next meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd July.