Vision for Learners
Years 10-11 Examinations
Examinations for Year 10 and 11 students start next week on Tuesday after a Study Day on Monday.
For Year 10 students this will be the first time they will have sat formal examinations.
We wish them well and know that the preparation they have been doing in class, at home and during the Options Infinity sessions on study habits will stand them in good stead.
As many of the examinations at Stage 2 are now electronic, Year 10 and 11 students will also sit electronic examinations where relevant.
This requires students to bring their laptop, charger (named) and wired head/earphones.
This year we are also using new examination software which will be exciting and offer students and teachers more options in terms of the examination set up and in-examination supports. We have all practiced with this software, either as part of the whole cohort load test or in individual classes.
Students should check prior to the examination that the SEB (Secure Exam Browser) has been installed on their laptop. The instructions for this have been shared via Canvas and in the Daily Notices.
Year 10s please remember that next Thursday is Creating Careers Day.
It is a compulsory school day and forms part of the PLP course.
It is an exciting day that builds on student understanding of the multiple pathways available to them and supports them to consider their own possible pathways as we move into Term 3 and course selection for 2025.
Years 7-11 End of Semester Reports
End of Semester Reports will be released on TASS at the end of Week 10 this term.
Students are to be congratulated on the effort and commitment they have shown to their studies this year so far. There has been so much happening and it is always a joy to see students engaging in their learning through the experiences designed by teachers.
This week has seen: Semester 1 Product Design/Design Technology pieces being finished; the Year 10 Drama performance of `Destinations’; clay creations finalised in Year 8; Year 7 preparing for the Zoo excursion on classification. Revision booklets have been circulating in Science and Mathematics and the finalising of assignments and tasks have been a focus.
I do hope that students can sit down with their families and take a moment to proudly consider what they have achieved this semester. This conversation should also include reflections on what can be improved for next semester.
What goals could be set? What changes made? What heights aspired to?
I challenge all students to aim high and work hard to see what they are really capable of!
Year 12 Examinations
Year 12 Examinations have been scheduled for 2-4 July. These are opportunities to practice sitting examinations as preparation for final examinations in November.
They will be managed by an external invigilator, the same person who will be invigilating in November.
Those subjects with electronic examinations will have the opportunity to practice in an online environment in this examination period as well. Students with electronic examinations are reminded to bring their fully charged laptop, charger and wired headphones.
In addition, students need to check that the SEB exam browser is installed on their laptop. Details for this have been shared via Canvas and via the Daily Notices.
Year 12 Reports and Learning Conversations/SATAC Information Session
Due to the later positioning of the Year 12
Mid-Year Examinations, Year 12 End of Semester Reports will be released for
Year 12 students and families in Week 2.
Upon this release, information will also be shared about booking appointments to see teachers at Year 12 Learning Conversations on Monday, 5 August.
The SATAC presentation covering information on applying through SATAC for courses either at South Australian universities or TAFE will form part of this evening.
Stay tuned for more information!
Sandra Barry
Director of Learning