Principal's Report

We have come to the end of Term 2, and it has been a long and busy term for Thornbury High School.  Mid-year exams have just finished, and our senior students have done a tremendous job in their exams, demonstrating their learning and achievement in different learning areas. Last Friday, our team of teachers spent the day assessing exams and assessment tasks, as well as completing reports. I encourage all families to look at their child’s report together, to celebrate achievements, learning and growth, and also consider what opportunities there are for further learning this year. Teacher feedback on learning habits should be really valuable in allowing students to reflect on their learning in a particular subject. 


Among many great events this term, the recent Cabaret Night was one of the highlights, showcasing the achievements of students in Year 10 Music and Year 9 Drama. Thank you to Ms Fi Parrey and Ms Pri Victor for their work in organising this wonderful evening, and well done to all the students involved in the performance. 


There have been a number of recent achievements in Sports this term, which you will be able to read about in the report in this newsletter by our Sports Coordinator, Mr Patrick Sowersby – congratulations to all our great THS athletes on their efforts! The success of our Cross Country team in the North Metro region event recently was very impressive – well done Michaela, Lynn, Stella and Jemima!


Another particularly impressive achievement in Sports was by two of our Year 7 students, Max Dimitropoulos and Owen Trainer, who play representative basketball for the Camberwell Dragons U14 team and recently qualified for the Basketball Australia U14 Club Championships – the first team in Camberwell’s 37-year history to qualify. A fantastic effort by Max and Owen – well done and best wishes for the championship in September!


All the learning, growth and achievements of our students would not happen without the dedicated efforts of our THS teachers and education support staff. Each day, I am impressed by our staff members’ commitment to student learning and wellbeing. 


In this mid-winter break, I will be travelling to Sweden to visit my parents and my older brother. Sadly, my father is very unwell, so the chance to spend time with him now is incredibly valuable and important to me. I know there will be many members of our community who have experienced living far away from family members, and the challenges that come with that. I hope you get a chance this break to spend time with your loved ones, and I look forward to seeing all our wonderful THS students back at school next term. 


Please note that Monday, July 15 is a student-free day as all THS staff will be involved in professional development, course planning and other activities. For students, Term 3 will begin on Tuesday, July 16. Until then, take care and enjoy your break from school!


