Student Services : Careers

It has been a hectic couple of weeks in the careers office, with course and subject selections for Years 9-11 in full swing. We are also taking quite a few applications for VET subjects next year. Thank you for your patience in trying to book appointments for counselling sessions – we are doing the best we can. Year 10 students will have an opportunity to change their subjects early in Term 3, so there is still time.
Year 12 Career Workshops
On Friday 14 June our Year 12 students took part in a one hour workshop as part of their transition planning process.
Students worked with Tyson Day from Arrive & Thrive on networking and how this relates to their personal brand. Students considered their brand and values in line with the career design principles explored earlier this year. They had time to map their connections, explore their digital footprint and consider what their ‘elevator pitch’ might look like. They also looked at LinkedIn and the basics around setting up their own profile.
Year 12s
A reminder that Year 12s should be preparing for Term 3 transition planning by ensuring:
- They have their USI (Unique Student Identifier). Go to for more information.
- Students should also ensure that have, or have applied for, a Tax File Number. Go to