
NHS success in Third Round of the DAV Competition 

The NHS debating team recently visited Ivanhoe Girls High School to participate in the third debating competition of 2024. Everyone felt quite exhilarated and even a bit nervous to have such a golden, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to present their public-speaking and debating expertise to their fullest potential and, compete against other schools.


From C grade, C2 effortlessly won the debate with the topic, ‘That we prefer cultural experiences over natural attractions.’ In addition to this, two teams, D2 and D3, won from D grade with the topic that ‘Australia should implement a four-day school week’. The rest of the teams faced extremely narrow defeats but really tried their best and certainly left no stone unturned.


‘Best speaker’ was awarded to Noah Healy, Claudia Merson, Kashika Shri Sivakumar, Allister Nunn, Freya Griffiths, and April Emmett. Congratulations to the best speakers and every single one of the debaters for building up the courage to represent NHS, and unquestionably nailing it in the debating competition!


- Kashika Shri Sivakumar, Year 8