

Welcome to Term Two. We would like to wish all families a Happy Easter and hope that you all had a relaxing two weeks of school holidays. The Prep team is excited for the term ahead, which will be filled with many exciting and enjoyable learning opportunities.

Some important items to remember for a successful term ahead are ensuring our Prep students have enough sleep at night, bringing fruit snacks to school, and keeping water in their water bottles. This ensures our students are ready for the exciting learning during the day.




We will continue with the two-hour daily literacy block during this term. One hour is targeted at reading, and the other at writing.

In Reading,  the focus will be on linking letter knowledge when sounding out small words. Students are learning to point to each word, matching what is written in the text.  As a class we will discuss the story and any new vocabulary, using pictures to help guide the discussion.

Students will continue to develop their writing skills.  They will draw a picture, discuss it, and attempt to write a matching sentence. 

Students will continue to use their Handwriting book. This gives them an opportunity to practice their formation of letters and correct pencil grip.

Each child is regularly monitored to ensure they read texts that are appropriate to their level. 


Ideas for sound work at home:

  • Listen and sing along to the cued articulation sound song (song link).
  • Work on alphabet sounds.
  • Point to various items around the house and ask what sound that item starts with.
  • Vocabulary building: Talk to children about items around them. For example, if an item is big, tell them different ways they may say that word.


Religious Education

The Prep students will learn about the Paschal candle and Baptism in Religious Education. They will also develop an understanding of the role of our Parish Priest and how he supports and guides our community.

The students will learn about the bible, exploring scripture through reading Old and New Testament stories. 

They will explore the concept of God’s family and share ways they are a part of the family of God. 



The Mathematics focus for Prep students is Number. 

Students use manipulatives such as counters, blocks, dice, and dominoes to assist with their number development. Lessons are made up of “hands-on” activities that allow students to discuss, share, and reflect on their new learning.


Term 2 Units:

  • Place Value and Counting
  • Time
  • 2D shapes and 3D objects
  • Addition and Number of Knowledge around 5
  • Measurement - Location
  • Financial Maths

Ideas for maths at home:

  • Count, Count, Count! 

Going shopping?  Get your children to count out the fruits and vegetables as they go in the bag. Going for a walk?  Count the steps from one house to another.  Notice the house numbers, guess what the next number would be. 

  • Count numbers in sequence. 

We are working at cementing numbers to 20.  Start from different starting places. Get your child to say the number after and the number before.  Write numbers on cards and get them to order the numbers.

  • Match collections to numbers: 

Setting the table?  How many people? How many knives and forks?  Do the amounts match?

  • How tall are you?  Measure your child using string, blocks etc.  Do it every week and see how your child grows! Compare the length or how many you need -see if they get bigger!

Involve your child in cooking. Let your child help stir, pour, fill, and mix. Get your children to count and measure.



This term, our Inquiry topic is Physical Science. Students will explore their five senses, why we need them, and how we use them.


The Prep students will also design and make objects that use the senses of sight for light and hearing for sound. 


L.O.T.E. Italian

The Prep students will begin the term by revising the vocabulary they learnt last term. They will be introduced to the vocabulary for the numbers 1- 10 and they will also be taught to introduce themselves. Come ti chiami?  Mi chiamo /Sono… (What’s your name? My name is/ I am). The students will also be introduced to question-and-answer routines when asked how they feel. Come stai? How are you? Sto bene/ male / così così.( I am well/ unwell/ so-so) During the lessons, the students will continue to participate in singing songs, playing games, and reciting chants and they will learn how to follow simple instructions and understand basic classroom language.

Ciao a presto

Signora White           


Physical Education

Hello families, We're thrilled to embark on another exciting term of learning and movement in Physical Education! This term, our Prep students will continue their athletics unit while also getting introduced to the fun world of Soccer and AFL.

During the Soccer and AFL units, students will learn the basics of kicking, dribbling, and passing, fostering their coordination and teamwork skills. Additionally, they'll continue refining their motor control and hand-eye coordination through throwing and catching various objects.

Here’s to another fun and active term! 

Warm regards, 

Miss Kromer



In Prep for this term the children will create pictures and designs using various mediums such as acrylic paints, crayons, watercolour pencils and textured papers. They will begin to discover that lines can have a variety of qualities and can make different shapes. They will create texture using various tools and recognise primary colours and tones. They will develop an awareness of natural patterns and their visual surroundings such as clouds in the sky, trees, bricklaying and flowers. They will also continue to develop their cutting and pasting skills and enjoy making special artworks for Mother’s Day. We plan to have lots of fun too!

Mrs. Cathy Bartlett                                                                                    


Performing Arts

Welcome back to school Preps and families!

This term we’ll focus on drama, specifically how students can use their faces and expressions to convey an emotion or idea in a story.  The preps will be able to sing along to ‘Dancing Face’ by Justine Clark and identify feelings in the story ‘The Dinosaur Who Lost His Roar’ by Susie Davies-Splitter.  Towards the end of term, students will learn and act out the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury which I suspect many students already have at home!  This story will also be explored from a musical perspective regarding how instruments make sounds (using our senses) which the students will be covering in inquiry.  Additionally, as part of the music, we’ll be focusing on keeping the beat and matching pitch when singing (singing in tune with the song).  Students will enjoy many games and songs promoting beat keeping and singing, including playing ‘Bumble Bee’. 

I encourage you to listen to as much music as possible at home and give your student an opportunity to practice clapping, tapping or dancing in time to the beat.  Beat keeping as a skill provides a strong foundation for literacy skills.  You can also help your student with carpool karaoke, crank up the radio and sing along in the car! 


Mrs Emma Cooper



Positive Behaviour for Learning

This term our focus is on school wide routines in the first week and the following for the remainder of the term:


Resilience:  Working through challenges inside and outside the classroom.

Responsibility: Include others inside and outside of the classroom.

Respect:  Allow everyone the right to learn in the classroom.

                   Taking care of property and the school grounds


Classroom Organisation

Every week the Prep students will attend the following Specialist programs. These lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Please remind your child to wear their sports uniform and runners on the appropriate day.


Specialist Teachers and Timetable 

Italian – Signora Santoro

P.E. – Ms Kromer

Performing Arts - Mrs Cooper

Art - Mrs Bartlett


Prep C

Tuesday- Art

Wednesday - Performing Arts, P.E. and Italian

Thursday -  Library


Prep R

Tuesday- Performing Arts

Wednesday- Art, Italian and P.E.

Thursday - Library




Similar to last term, the Preps students will visit the Library on a Thursday. The students are allowed to borrow one picture book each. Please ensure that these library books are well looked after at home and returned to school in your child’s library bag by the following Thursday. 


Take home books  - pouches

Each day, your child will bring home a book in the blue reading pouch. Please ensure that the pouch returns to school each day and remember to fill in the Kluwell Book (yellow book) on a nightly basis. 


School Uniform and Hat

Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name, preferably in permanent marker.

School hats are required to be worn in Terms One and Four. 

During Terms Two and Three students may wear hats if they choose. 

The Winter uniform is now required to be worn during Terms Two and Three.


Meet and Greet

Please note that classrooms are open from 8:30 - 8:45 am for our Meet and Greet time. This is an important time for students to get themselves organised for their day of learning. It also gives students the opportunity to establish and maintain relationships with peers. Please ensure that you arrive during this time to give your child the best possible start each day.


Fruit Break

The Prep  students will continue to have a Fruit Break to ‘refuel’ on fruit, vegetables, yoghurt or cheese and  ‘rehydrate’ with water this term. Please pack something extra in your child’s lunchbox for them to eat during this time. Students who are not hungry and are well hydrated perform better in the classroom and show increased concentration. 


Key Dates

Mother’s Day Celebration: Friday 10th May

Prep Open Night: Wednesday, 22 May 

School Closure Day: Monday, 27th May

King’s Birthday: Monday, 10th June (school closed)

Learning Celebrations:  Thursday, 27th June, 2.45 pm

Parent/Teacher/Child Interviews:  Monday, 24th June

Term 2 concludes: Friday, 28th June, 1.30 pm


How to Contact Us

Holly Capomolla:

Rosemary Restaino:

Milena Santoro: