Wellbeing Report

Do it for Dolly Day- 10th May 2024

Dolly’s Dream was created by Kate and Tick Everett following the shattering loss of their 14-year-old daughter, Dolly, to suicide, after ongoing bullying. Kate and Tick’s goal is to prevent other families walking this road. They want to change the culture of bullying by addressing the impact of bullying, anxiety, depression and youth suicide, through education and direct support to young people and families. Dolly’s Dream is supported by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation.


On Friday the 10th of May, Saltwater P-9 College will be raising awareness of “Do it For Dolly Day” which is an initiative from the Dolly’s Dream foundation. This day assist in raising awareness about bullying and helping making our world a kinder and safer place. More information on how the College students and families can participate in the day will be sent out to families via our socials and Xuno.  


The Dolly's Dream website has many resources families can utilise to support themselves and their children with talking about the topic of bullying. Click the link to discover trusted resources about online safety, social media, and bullying.