Year Six

Dear Year Six Families,
Welcome to Term Two!
We have had a wonderful start to term with the launch of Year Six Electives, our new Unit of Inquiry and of course, students receiving their new polo tops.
Good Friday Appeal
At the conclusion of Term One, our Year Six leaders along with Mrs Goegan, Mr Peterson, Mr Nicolaides and Ms Grenfell participated in the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal with the Werribee CFA. It was a wonderful morning that saw our students take action by collecting donations for the hospital. Students were resilient with the many steps walked and proudly represented our school.
By the end of our morning, our students had collected $2,200 worth of donations, contributing to the $47,000 total by the Werribee CFA from the Werribee community.
Unit of Inquiry
Week One saw the launch of our new Unit of Inquiry. Under the Transdisciplinary Theme, 'Where We Are In Place and Time,' students are now exploring the significant historical events that have occurred within Australia that have caused an influx of migration.
To begin our unit, the students engaged in a provocation where they analysed migration data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and then completed a class map, identifying where their peers were born. These have formed a great display in our classroom and have sparked many conversations about the reasons families may choose to migrate.
Displaying their curiosity, students have started forming wonderings to guide their learning throughout the unit:
- "Does tax, inflation and other money issues affect migration?" - Shayaan
- "Did migration look different in the 19th century?" - Kenisha
- "Are there any foundations or organisations who support migrants?" - Hafi
- "Do migrants have restrictions when they move to a new country or are they the same as citizens?" - Naivedhya
Linking with our Unit of Inquiry, in Mathematics, students have started to explore Units of Measurement and in Writing, they are focusing on unpacking Historical Narratives.
Year Six Electives
On Thursday the 18th of April, we launched Year Six Electives. Based on their personal preferences and interests, each student selected an elective to participate in for the remainder of the term. Not only is each elective promoting skills relevant to daily life, but they also allows students to have choice and agency in their learning.
Running this term is; Debating, Drama, Geography, Fighting Extinction, BTN and the Escape Room. Here is what students had to say after their introductory lesson:
- "I am looking forward to learning about and making my own Atlas about the world and all the seven continents." - Srivalli on Geography
- "I am glad to feel more confident in my speeches when I perform." - Victoria on Drama
- "I really enjoyed having the freedom to express my opinion on a topic." - Daksh on Debating
Cyber Safety Incursion
Last week, the Year Six students participated in an energy-charged presentation by Kiah and Sam from Cyber Safety Project about how to stay safe online. They discussed how to stay safe online, particularly on social media and the resources and support available if you encounter trouble online. As technology and social media are ever-present in our society and used by young students, this presentation provided essential learning for our students. Please keep an eye out for future parent webinars from the Cyber Safety Project for more information.
Their website and resources can also be found here:
Important Dates:
Please take note of the following upcoming dates:
Week 2
Thursday 25th of April - ANZAC day holiday, no school
Week 3
Tuesday 30th of April - Three Way Conferences. School dismissal is at 12:00pm. Please make bookings for conferences via XUNO
Week 4
Tuesday 7th of May - Year 5/6 Athletics Carnival
- It is essential students are bringing their devices fully charged to school every day. For OH&S reasons, students are unable to charge their devices in the classroom.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered into XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff.
Kindest Regards,
Year Six Team