Year Five

Dear Year Five families,
Welcome back! Saltwater and the Year Five teachers hope you had a relaxing two-week break, as we have a jam-packed and exciting Term Two ahead!
- St John’s Ambulance incursion
- Science Works excursion
- 5/6 Athletics Carnival
- District and Region Cross-Country
- School photos
- Three-Way Conferences
- Cyber safety incursion
- And many more exciting activities inside the classroom…
In Week One, the Year Five’s participated in an incursion by the Cyber Safety Project. This informative and engaging experience aimed to provide students with strategies to be safe online, which is essential for learning and agency. Parents/Carers have a wonderful opportunity through this initiative, to access online the Parent Information Webinar Series.
Students attending the St. John's Ambulance incursion, where they actively developed their skills in CPR and responding to danger. The Year Five's had an opportunity to perform this on a mannequin. Students were extremely principled, but had plenty of laughs along the way!
In Inquiry this fortnight, we have begun to explore the Transdisciplinary Theme, ‘How We Express Ourselves’. Within the Central Idea, ‘Dreaming stories have different purposes and can take many forms’, the Year Five’s participated in a provocation activity where they explored the importance of Country and Place to First Nation peoples. Students were open-minded by learning about the Bunurong People of the Kulin Nation, who we recognise as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which this school is built.
In Reading, the Year Five’s engaged in an author study, investigating proud Bundjalung woman, artist and author Bronwyn Bancroft. Students were inquirers by researching and understanding Bronwyn’s heritage and experiences, to identify the themes she conveys within her texts. To end the first week back at school, the Year Five’s were courageous by participating in Reader’s Theatre to improve their fluency and expression as they speak the story aloud. Students were developing their communication skills to confidently read the text aloud to their peers and create a supportive learning environment.
In Writing, Students began to analyse authorial techniques and how writers use words with intent. The Year Five’s first self-assessed their previous narratives, to identify their own craft and the effectiveness of their techniques. Throughout the week, Students explored personification, foreshadowing, alliteration, imagery, flashbacks, metaphors and 'show-don’t-tell' writing technique. The Year Five’s then began to challenge themselves by including these within their own writing, while thinking about the purpose and intended audience.
Lastly in Maths, we began Term Two investigating place value up to six-digit numbers. The Year Five's needed to understand the visual representation of hundreds of thousands using MAB (Base 10 Blocks), as well as what this is as a number itself. Students then worked towards renaming six-digit numbers in multiple ways to show their reasoning skills, evaluating and justifying how the value does not change even if the number is represented in different ways.
- Laptops: please ensure laptops are sent to school each day fully charged.
- Late Arrivals (after 8:40am): Students must sign in through the office and obtain a late pass.
- Absences: Student absences must be marked on XUNO as soon as possible by parents/carers.
- XUNO: There are several excursions and incursions that the Year Five’s will be participating in. Please ensure these are approved and paid for at your earliest convenience.
- Waste-Free Wednesday: Every Wednesday, students are working together to create a waste-free environment.
- Three-Way Conferences: In Week three, students will have an opportunity to share their learning with families. Please make a booking through XUNO- if you are unable to do so, please reach out to classroom teachers for support.