Year Four

Dear Year Four Families,
A warm welcome back to Term Two!
The students have had a busy start to the term but everyone is eager and excited to delve into more learning. Thank you to students and staff who embraced Crazy Hair Day for day one of the term, it was very colourful and there was some amazing creativity involved!
For the past two weeks students have been learning the concept of additive thinking. They were explicitly taught the concept of part-part-whole using various strategies for addition and subtraction. Students were exposed to rich vocabulary assisting them to solve the problems.
Unit Of Inquiry
Students have been engaging in provocations and readings to spark their curiosity into our new Inquiry. They have looked at the Earths resources and investigated renewable and non-renewable resources by classifying and gaining a better understanding. Students will continue to explore the Central Idea "Distribution of finite resources may lead to conflict" by looking into the lines of inquiry around how conflict can arise due to the availability of resources and being sustainably responsible.
Over the last two weeks, the Year Four's have been looking at the different devices and features of persuasive texts, and how an argument can be formed using these techniques. We looked at the mentor text 'A Pig Parade is a Terrible Idea' where students were able to identify the various persuasive devices used by the author. Students then used their new knowledge to critique their own persuasive writing and set goals on where and how to improve their text.
Cyber Security Incursion
The Year Four students participated in an energy charged presentation with Kiah and Sam from the Cyber Safety Project about how to stay safe online. They discussed what is ok and not ok to be posting on social media sites and how the information you share can be used by strangers. Students were given tips on how they can ensure their social media interactions can be kept safe and only shared with those people they trust. This included how to create a secure password and what is appropriate to post online to ensure your privacy is not violated.
Student Led Conferences are on Tuesday, 30th April 2024 from 12pm onwards. Please book via Xuno to lock in a time.
School photos will be happening on Tuesday, 14th May 2024. Students are expected to be wearing full academic uniform to ensure consistency in the photos.
Students have been provided school photo ordering flyers. You will notice the flyer is personalised to your child and is equipped with his/her individual ordering code.
To order photos, please visit: to place your online orders from Schoolpix.
• Please ensure MacBooks are sent to school fully charged each day.
• Water Bottles need to be brought to school each day with fresh water.
• Late arrivals (8:40am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
• If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
Academic Uniform:
• Worn to school every day besides on days the students have sport
Sports Uniform:
• Worn to school on days your child has PE/Dance classes
• Can be worn on a Friday each week (optional)
• House tops to be worn during house events or on a Friday (optional).
Kind regards,
The Year 4 Team