Co-curricular - Senior Sport

Thunder Cricket
The 16 Gold Cricket Team represented the College in the Grand Final over the weekend. They unfortunately lost in a close game but should be very proud of their efforts through-out the season. Once again well done to all boys and coaches who represented SPC in Summer sports.
Winter Sports Trials
Thank you to all involved in the organisation and execution of Winter Internal Trials on Saturday. A reminder Winter Sports Trial schedules can be viewed on the SPC App and in the Dailey Notices on TASS. Attendance at all trials/training session is compulsory. Any request to miss a session needs to be directed to the relevant MIC and myself by a parent/carer well in advance. Any injuries should be communicated to the coach, MIC, Head of Rugby or Football and myself, with Medical Certificates.
The trial process is ongoing and very competitive at SPC. Every session is an opportunity for boys to demonstrate their skills to coaches. Attitude and training contribute to what team a boy is selected in also. If a boy finds himself in a team that he is unhappy with he should ask coaches for feedback and things to work on. No teams are set in stone this early in the process and there are many opportunities to come.
Cross Country training is on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM at Hudson Park.
Happy Easter!
Samuel Boggs
Head of Sport