Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

Interim Reports
By now you should have sat down with your son/s to discuss their progress and performance across various subject areas. These reports are available through the TASS Parent Lounge. Teachers have reported on areas relevant for the continual growth and improvement we value as part of supporting the demonstration of their knowledge, skills and understanding.
As the end of term approaches, students are engaging in a range of summative and formative assessments for different Key Learning Areas. Teachers have allocated class time for some of the tasks, particularly those including research, so that they are able to support students and to ease the amount of work that needs to be completed at home. We are encouraging boys to develop their time management skills during busy assessment periods, particularly through the use of their College Diary and a clear homework/study space at home. In terms of Mathematics assessments, both Years 5 and 6 have completed their first two Topic Tests of the year. The Topic Tests are designed to revise the learning of the previous 3-4 week block. Hopefully by now, you have seen the first test come home. We ask that parents/carers sight and sign the test, then students return it to their Mathematics teacher.
Class Spotlight
5 White
We have been writing narratives and using language features like onomatopoeia to make it more interesting –Julian D
In Maths, we have learnt that fractions need to be equal parts of a whole. You can have proper and improper fractions, as well as mixed numerals – William
In History, we are working on an assignment where we have to research a significant person from the time of Colonisation. I am researching Bennelong and I learnt that Bennelong was the first Aboriginal man to go to Europe and meet the King, before returning to Australia – James N
6 White
We are working on our English writing task about Roald Dahl’s book, Matilda. We are following the STEAL method to help us with characterisation – speech, thought, effects, actions and looks –Matthew N
We are investigating the impact of significant people from the time of Federation, and I am focusing on Sir Henry Parkes – Joseph S
In the lead up to Easter, we have followed the story of Jesus’ death on the cross by looking at the stations of the cross. There are 14 stations that remind us of Jesus’ journey to his death – Albert
We hope that all families enjoy a happy and holy Easter long weekend, and we look forward to seeing the boys next Tuesday 2nd April.
Daniel Fields Sarah Tatola
Head of Curriculum (Stage 3) Head of Teaching and Learning (Stage 3)