REC News

 Dear Parents / Carers

St Anthony's Vission and Mission 



Challenged by the good news of Jesus Christ, we seek to bring life to our motto of ‘Love and Service’ in a welcoming, hope-filled and compassionate community of learning.

We are committed to:

  • - Collaboratively searching for the best means of realising the partnership between family, school and parish
  • - Making the traditions and teachings of Catholic heritage accessible and life giving for each other
  • - Inviting and encouraging children to reach their full and whole potential
  • - Assisting to live life with joy and meaning in the present, and to develop a critical and inquiring spirit of past and present for transformation of the future
  • - Leading children to confidently know that they can make a positive difference in society
  • - Working together to provide a pleasant, attractive physical environment, and an equitable distribution of school resources
  • - Actively reflecting on our mission and evaluating success and failure in the light of the Gospel, to open new directions for the future.



At St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School Clovelly, our vision for student learning is that they are:

  • Confident individuals
  • Creative minds
  • Connected learners.

Project Compassion - Caritas

Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. It is a time when we can come together as a school community in solidarity with the world’s poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. 


Please ensure all boxes are sent back to school in Week 10.



Easter Prayer Liturgy

Our final Easter Liturgy Celebration will be held on:

Tuesday 2 April at 9am for Kindergarten


This liturgical prayer celebration will take place in our Possum Playground.  Students are to come to school dressed in their costumes - with mufti clothes underneath. 

[Please note that if it is raining, the Liturgy will take place in the Church]


Below is an outline of the required costume.



Tuesday 2 April

Easter SundayWhite Clothing: A white dress, white t-shirt with a belt around the waist or a white robe. 

Sacrament of First Holy Communion

The Parent Information Evening will be held in St Anthony's Church on Wednesday 15th May at 6.15pm (Term 1 - Week 3)


The date for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion will be: 

Saturday 29 or Sunday 30 June, 2024 (Term 2 - Week 9)


Congratulations to the Year 3 students who completed their Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday 20 March at St Anthony's Church. Thank you to Fr Lauri Cauchi for welcoming these students and their families to this special sacrament.

St Anthony's Church Easter MassTimetable

Holy Thursday 28 March 

10.30am Chrism Mass at St Mary's Cathedral

7.00pm Mass of the Last Supper

Good Friday 29 March

10.00am Stations of the Cross

3.00pm Passion Liturgy


Holy Saturday 30 March 

7.00pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday 31 March 

9.00am Mass


Easter Reconciiation Times

Tuesday 26 March after 6.15pm Mass until 7.30pm

Holy Thursday 28 March - after 7pm Mass until 9pm

Kind Regards

May God’s blessings be with you,


Mrs Leanna Langlands

Religious Education Coordinator