Where in the World? Years 2-6 Student presentations and open afternoon
Students in Years 2-6 will choose a country to research that integrates Reading, Writing, and Geography, History, Science and Languages in a fun way. Each student will choose a country to study and research for the next five weeks. They will be responsible for understanding the geography of the land, the climate, the countries main attractions, and some fun facts...etc...that make it a unique place to visit.
At the end of Week 9, Friday 5th April, each student will present their country in any form they choose (e-books/ song/ poem/ booth board/ video/ story/ drama play/ dress up/ slide presentation/ drawing/ sculpture/ artwork/ build a model/ cardboard presentation/ diorama) to the rest of their class.
On Monday, 8th April - Week 10 @ 2:15pm we will have open afternoon for parents and carers to visit and see what great talent and academic abilities we have at St Anthony's School.
Traffic Management Plan/Before and After School Procedures
1. Hours of supervision at school
- Supervision commences each morning at 8:30 am on the possum playground. This supervision continues until 8:55 am when school commences. There is no teacher on duty outside the school gates.
- After school supervision commences at 3:15 pm and concludes at 3:30 pm.
2. Morning routine for traffic management
- A School Crossing Supervisor employed by Transport for NSW supervises the zebra crossing on Arden Street from 8:00 am - 9:30 am. The Principal or Assistant Principal opens the front school gate at 7:45 am for students to access the site and wait before the slope gate is opened at 8:25am. Supervision commences at 8:30 am on the possum playground. The grotto playground is not a drop off or pick up point unless the students entering before/after school care.
- Kiss and Drop Car Zone 8:00 - 9:30 am on Arden Street is a zone where parents and carers are to drop their child/ren within a 2 minute period.
3. Routine for traffic management on the school site during a school day
- In the unlikely event that a car needs to enter the school grounds during school time, the driver reports to the school office. Office staff will open the front gates and accompany the car whilst the car is moving to ensure that no child walks near the area in which the car is driving. The car is to travel at a speed no greater than 5km/hour. Once the car is parked the front gates are to be locked. The same procedure applies when the car leaves the school site.
4. After school routine for children walking home from the school grounds with or without adult supervision.
- Children who are collected from the possum playground by a guardian are dismissed from the possum playground. The remaining children proceed to the Arden St exit.
- Children who walk home with or without a guardian and need to cross Arden St must cross at the zebra crossing area between the school and church driveways. This crossing is marked by the “children crossing” flags and is supervised by a School Crossing Supervisor wearing a high visibility vest and holding a STOP sign children are crossing.
- Children waiting in the car pick zone against the wall standing with their siblings will be supervised by staff members wearing a high visibility vest.
- Some parents complete a school mobile phone agreement so that their child can contact them after school.
- Staff DO NOT wave the cars forward.
5. After school routine for children being collected from the drive by pick up zone or catching a bus.
- After dismissal from the classrooms the children walk down the slope area with a teacher that is wearing a high visibility vest to the driveway area inside the gates on Arden St and then stand with their siblings. There are up to 2 teachers on duty on the drive by pickup zone of an afternoon.
- In the event of wet weather the eldest child is to go to the youngest sibling in their families classroom as their parent will collect their child/ren from the youngest siblings classroom.
- Parents or guardians using the drive by pickup to collect a student are to have the family surname displayed inside the windscreen. Up to 4 cars can fit into the pickup zone at any given time.
- On complete stop of the vehicle, the teacher notifies the student(s) to proceed to their collection vehicle.
- The student/ staff may open the rear door closest to the kerb, footpath or gutter and away from the road. Then closes the door.
- The driver of the vehicle takes responsibility for the child wearing their restraint before driving away.
- Teacher watches that the student has entered the vehicle and that there is room for another car in the stopping zone before the next vehicle approaches the car pick up zone
- Any child not collected by 3:30pm is brought up to the school office to wait for collection or sent to after school care if availability is open.
- Any casual teachers (may be trained once they have read this document) on site must assist with the drive by pickup of students in the afternoon.
- Students MUST NOT go to the boot to put bags/bulky items. These must be retrieved by the driver.
6. Training of teachers in applying the traffic management plan.
- Training will be provided for all staff at the initial Staff Development Day each year and at a staff briefing should any changes be made to the plan during the year.
- A new casual/teacher employed during the year will be trained as part of their induction to the school and site by their mentor/leadership member.
Wellbeing - Talk to yourself like you would talk to your friend
Designed to cultivate self-compassion and encourage positive self-talk, this simple yet impactful activity is a stepping stone towards building unshakeable confidence in your child.
Yours in Love & Service
Marie Iorfino
Assistant Principal