Year 3-Year 6 News

We have had the most amazing term and are finishing it off with so many wonderful activities and learning experiences.
Over the past few weeks, Years 3-6 have been involved in a wide variety of learning experiences both in and outside of the classroom.
How wonderful to walk around the school and hear the sounds of singing and music floating through the air! Whether it is the vibrancy of the singing and instrumental music greeting you as you walk around the corner or to see Year 5 children writing and creating their own music- and then playing it- it is great to see,
More investigative learning can be found across the yard in the PLC where all primary classes are involved in STEM classes each week. These classes are greatly anticipated and enjoyed by all students - and staff! Year 4 worked on creating their own obstacle course and then had to program the robot to move around it. They worked as a team and used many digital technologies in the process.
Year 6 have been leading the way with their recycling projects.They have been very busy collecting and last week was cash in day!. They raised $48 for CARITAS - week done Yr 6!
Year 6 have also continued to build strong relationships with their Foundation buddies. As a highlight of Catholic Education Week, Year 6 students got to light their Catholic Education Week lanterns with their Foundation buddies - a fabulous way to finish the week,.
Year 6’s have also been busy preparing a reflective song for all primary students to enter and leave our assembly spaces quietly and respectfully. What a fabulous initiative from the students and their teachers.
Wheelie Wednesday was another great success for our Year 4 students last week - lots of laughter and chatter could be heard as wheels of every kind were propelled around the yard. It is a tight competition between Padua and McAuley so keep those laps going!
CARITAS fundraisers have continued with our Primary Disco and zooper dooper sales. We have another disco next Tuesday to finish off the term. Thank you to Emily Homweood ( past student ) who has continued to support our discos for the primary students when she can. Thank you Emily , we love seeing you back at St Mary's!
Reconciliation Meeting
Last Wednesday, our Year 3 families and Parish families, gathered for the Family Reconciliation Night. It was a chance for parents and children to work together as we look forward to celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation next Wednesday.
We keep the Year 3 students and families in our thoughts and prayers this week as they finalise their preparation for this important sacrament.
Thank you to all families for their support and participation this term - we say it every year but its true - where did that time go ?!
The students from Years 3-6 have made a wonderful beginning to their school year and we especially hope that our new students and families have felt settled and comfortable at St Mary's
Thank you to the P&F who are providing a free Easter raffle next week for all students from Foundation to Year 11. Good luck to all students!
We hope that you can join us for our traditional Easter Liturgy next Thursday 28th march from 11.30am. It is always the most special way to finish the term as we head towards Easter.
We look forward to seeing everyone back next term. I wish everyone a safe and happy Easter and holiday break.
Happy Easter
Catherine Evans
Year 3-6 Co-ordinator