Dates to Remember

Monday 25th March
🔹Indonesian Film Festival (VCE VET Students) (7:30am - 3:15pm)
Wednesday 27th March
🔹Sacrament of Reconciliation Liturgy ✝️(6:30pm)
🔹Wheeltalk (Wheelchair basketball) visiting - PE Classes only
Thursday 28th March
🔹College Holy Week Easter Liturgy ✝️(time TBC)
🔹Term 1 Concludes (2.30pm)
Monday 15th April
🔹Curriculum Day - Pupil Free Day
🔹College Tours - 9am & 2pm
Tuesday 16th April
🔹Term 2 Commences for Students
Monday 22nd April
🔹 Yrs. 3-4 Camp to Phillip Island (D1 of 3) 🏕️
Tuesday 23rd - Wed 24th
🔹Teacher & Parent Interview
Wednesday 24th April
🔹Anzac Day Liturgy (TBC)
Thursday 25th April
🔹Anzac Day - Public Holiday
Wednesday 1st May
🔹🏕️Yr. 7 Camp to Halls Gap (D1 of 3)
Friday 3rd May
🔹College Cross Country 👟
Friday 10th May
🔹Mother's Day Afternoon Tea🫖 (Time TBC)