
Mr Wayne Smith


Dear Parents and Carers,


The 2020-2023 College’s Strategic Intent was ‘Improving reading outcomes for all students.’  A commitment was made to research and decide on an evidenced based reading program. After a detailed investigation the College Curriculum team recommended: 

  • Purchasing the MultiLit Reading Intervention program. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie University.
  • Employ a teacher to work with small groups of students using MultiLit. The students were selected from evidence-based testing data.
  • Provide professional development for primary teachers.
  • Begin the program in Foundation. 
  • Provide evidenced based assessment before students can progress to the next reading level. 
  • Budgeting priority and commitment.

MultiLit has as its core belief the conviction that effective instruction is the key to growth in any area of the curriculum. MultiLit continues to be a positive and affirming learning opportunity for our students. The students experience success in reading and feel the success that builds confidence. When adults model reading to children it is a powerful and visual example of best practice. Reading for the mind is like exercise for our health. 


The College Executive has been led through a MACS directed process to develop the next (2024- 2027) Strategic Plan and primary Intent, ‘We will enact a school-wide instructional model, which promotes student voice and agency, so all students successfully access post-secondary pathways.’  Teaching staff provided actions that have been collated, grouped and included. The final plan will be published in Term 2. Over the next four years the College


Key Priorities are:


➡️ Priority 1:- Vision and Pedagogy. Goal: To enact a shared vision and pedagogy for curriculum delivery.

➡️ Priority 2:- Student Voice and Agency. Goal: To elevate student voice and agency in learning and wellbeing.

➡️ Priority 3:- Senior Years Pathways. Goal: To develop and consolidate Years 11 & 12 pathways.


Each of the priorities will include Key Improvement Strategies; Intended Outcomes; Actions; Annual Targets and Responsibilities.


Capital Works

The new primary classroom will be operational to begin Term 2. The offices will be operational once furniture arrives. Discussions are underway with ATG to lease more demountable classrooms for 2025. 


These classrooms are impressively designed and constructed. A Stage 2 Funding Grant Application to build another Science classroom has been submitted. Today we begin writing a submission to apply for a Stage 3 Funding Grant to build a new Secondary Centre. 


Charlie and Logan’s Reflections on Harmony


When visiting primary classrooms this week to inform the students that Rosie’s good friend will be visiting with an Easter surprise, Ms Hurst’s 5B class were working on their power point projects. The children have learnt so much and it was a joy to listen to them talking about what they are doing and how they are so enthusiastic to learn about the topics they chose. Inspiring teaching, good teaching, explicit teaching, organised and routine teaching and above all else the passion that any teacher or staff member gives to their all role will take a child and our College on a wonderful educational journey. 


St Mary’s has excellent teachers, and we are very lucky to have such committed colleagues be it in the classroom or in all the other critical areas that are required to ensure the College has high standards and is student focused. Year 5B are in good hands! 


This coming week is the ‘great week’ of the Church Liturgical calendar. Holy Week expresses so much about the strength and frailty of human life. Holy Week is at the very core of Christian belief. The Easter Tridium begins on Holy Thursday evening with the Institution of the Eucharist (Mass) being first celebrated with Jesus and His disciples at the Last Supper. The arrest, trial and crucifixion of Christ and leading up to Easter with the Resurrection. 


There will be an End of Term Letter emailed to all families next week.


Best wishes

Best wishes




Wayne Smith


DipEd (ACU) DipREd (ACU) Bed (ACU) GradCertEdAdmin (Edith Cowan) 

GradDipREd (ACU) MEdAdmin (Charles Sturt) MTheoStudies (BBITAITE)