What's Happening in our Classrooms

What’s Happening in Prep: Weeks 1 & 2
Welcome back to Term 2!
We hope everyone had a well-deserved holiday and enjoyed Easter with their families. It has been lovely hearing about what the Prep’s got up to over the break. We are looking forward to another fun-filled term filled with lots of rich learning opportunities.
What will be happening this fortnight
- Revisiting the ‘size of the problem’ (hill, mountain and volcano) and our Zones of Regulation toolkits
- Learning a new regulation strategy (Stop, Opt, Go)
- Identifying different syllable types (open and closed)
- Identifying the phonemes /k/, /l/ and /r/
- Recognising how words are used to create a sentence
- Identifying the features of a book (title, author, illustrator, blurb, sentences)
- Decoding words with known phonemes
- Practising writing open and closed syllable words
- Constructing sentences correctly (finger spaces between words, capital letters and full stops)
- Understanding that numbers are made up of parts (part-part-whole)
- Sorting and classifying familiar objects (and 2D shapes) according to their features
- Answering yes/no questions to collect information
Big Question: How are we part of a community?
Over the next fortnight, students will be exploring the following lines of inquiry:
- What is a community?
- Who and what is in the community?
- What communities do I belong to?
Continue reading and looking through Word Wizard and Decoding Detective resources in reading pouch. In week 2, students will come home with their very own Sound Pack. The Preps will love showing you how they can recognise and recall all learnt letters/sounds. Please keep these cards in the snap lock bag provided inside the reading pouch as new sounds will be sent home regularly. Explore Mathletics using the login inside the front cover of the students reading journal.
- Anzac Day Public Holiday – Thursday 25th April
- Curriculum Day (no students) - Friday 26th April
Year 1
What’s Happening in Year 1: Weeks 1 & 2
Welcome Back to Term 2!
Welcome back to Term 2! We are very excited for a fantastic term ahead. We hope you and your family had a wonderful, relaxing Easter break and that the students are ready to go for another great term.
What will be happening this fortnight in Year 1
- Revise the Zones of Regulation
- Track our emotions across the school day and use our toolkits to support us
Reading & Spelling
- Reading with accuracy
- Expanding our vocabulary using vivid verbs
- Identifying soft g and c words in a text
- Identifying the different sounds of ‘y’ in one or two syllable words
- Use learnt spelling patterns in our writing
- Use vivid verbs to improve our writing and make it more interesting
- Revise place value of two- and three-digit numbers
- Collecting and organising data using a picture graph
- Introduce our new inquiry topic of History
- Familiarise ourselves with the language of past and present
Students are required to read 10-15 minutes each night.
Please complete your grandparent or special friend interview and upload to Seesaw.
Year 2
What’s Happening in Year 2: Weeks 1 & 2
Welcome back to Term 2!
The Year 2 students have settled back into school beautifully. It has been fabulous hearing all about their holiday adventures. The students have been reconnecting with their peers and their teachers this week. The Year 2 students have also read their very first Pen Pal letters from the students from Beaumaris North Primary School. The students have been eagerly writing to their pen pals and are looking forward to hearing back from their Beaumaris North friends!
What will be happening this fortnight in Year 2
Throughout Term 2, students will be working on the Respectful Relationships program. This is a program which is a part of the curriculum, which teaches children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.
During Term 2, students will continue to have the opportunities to build on their fluency and comprehension through partner reading along with small group reading. Students will continue to work on their decoding and understanding of letter blends. Over the next two weeks students will be exploring the structure and language features of fiction texts and will also be exploring time connectives throughout reading and writing.
Over the next two weeks the Year 2 cohort will be retelling familiar stories in their own words such as the Three Little Pigs etc. Students will also be working on utilising boundary punctuation accurately in their writing along with using precise verbs and adjectives to describe characters and settings.
Students will begin investigating worded problems and how best to solve worded problems. Students will also continue to engage in problem solving throughout the term.
Big Question: How and why do people connect to different places?
Over the next fortnight, students will be asked to ensure they have submitted their picture of their special place onto the Seesaw task “My Special Place”. Your child's Seesaw login was pasted into the front of their take home reading diary at the end of last term.
- Parent Helper Information Session - please refer to the Compass post regarding the upcoming information session.
- Take Home Readers- each student will have the opportunity to change their readers each week and take home 5 levelled readers. It is expected that students read their 5 readers and complete their reading journal. The Year 2 teachers would love to see our students taking responsibility to complete their own reading journal.
** Throughout the term some students will transition to bringing home their own chapter book to read from the library instead of take home readers. It is expected that your child reads for 20 minutes each night and records this in their reading journal. - Library- please find below timetable of when your child will visit the BPS library. Please ensure that you child brings their library book each week on this day. Students should bring their library book to and from school in a library bag (this can be the navy-blue BPS one or another bag of your choice).
2H | 2AW | 2W | 2R |
Thursday | Wednesday | Wednesday | Monday |
- Hats must be worn during recess, lunch and Physical Education until the 1st May. Please ensure your child has a named hat (to be left at school in their tub or on their hook).
- If you wish to contact your child’s classroom teacher for any reason, please do so using the beau box. Beaumaris.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Specialist Classes
2AW | 2H | 2R | 2W | |
Physical Education | Tuesday | Tuesday | Tuesday | Tuesday |
Art | Wednesday | Wednesday | Tuesday | Tuesday |
Performing Arts | Tuesday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Wednesday |
Japanese | Tuesday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Wednesday |
Environmental Sciences | Monday | Wednesday | Tuesday | Tuesday |
Year 3
What’s been happening in Year 3
Welcome back to Term 2!
The students have all returned from their holidays refreshed and ready for an exciting new term. We are all looking forward to a busy and productive Term 2.
What will be happening this fortnight in Year 3
- Re-visiting the Zones of Regulation and our Class Norms to remind us about classroom expectations in Year 3.
- Strengthening our existing relationships and building a supportive and team environment within our classroom and in the yard.
- Comparing and contrasting texts with a particular focus on ANZAC stories.
- Focusing on the reading strategy ‘making connections’ when reading
- We are focusing on ‘word choice’ as well as the writing strategy ‘show don’t tell’ when writing historical narratives.
- Revising and revisiting addition.
- Unpacking a variety of addition strategies including split strategy and counting on.
Inquiry - History
Big Question: How and why has Australia changed over time?
During the next two weeks, the students will be introduced to how and why people choose to remember significant events of the past.
At this stage, students are asked to continue to read every night and to complete Mathletics tasks set by classroom teachers.
Diaries are expected to come to school every day with their reading recorded and ready to be checked by the teacher.
Year 4
What’s Happening in Year 4: Term 2 Week 1 and 2
Welcome back to Term 2!
Welcome back to what is sure to be another great term in Year 4. We hope you all had a lovely break and are feeling well rested ahead of Term 2.
What will be happening this fortnight in Year 4
We are starting Term 2 with a bang in Year 4. In Week 1, the Year 4 students will be heading off to Arrabri Lodge for a fun-filled, adventure camp, participating in a range of team building activities. In Week 2, the Year 4 students will be participating in their very first House Cross Country competition, vying for the chance to represent the school at the Seaside District Cross Country competition later in the term.
- Building emotional literacy through role play
- Whole class reading about ANZAC day and building vocabulary
- Focus on fluency through a range of whole, paired and independent activities
- Silent reading personal choice book
- Planning and drafting magazine articles for an ‘Intrepizine’ writing competition (a Literacy Planet feature)
- Focusing on developing clear writer’s voice
- Structing paragraphs in non-fiction texts
- Multiplication facts and recall of times tables up to x10
- Decimal numbers, exploring tenths and hundredths
Big Question: How can we educate younger year levels on the importance of creating a safe, fair and happy environment for everyone?
We will be exploring strategies to create a safe, fair and happy environment on camp.
Homework consists of 20 minutes reading a night, 3-4 Mathletics tasks to reinforce the concepts being taught at school, and an optional choice board of activities to be completed at your family’s discretion. Diaries will be collected every Friday. There will be no homework in Week 1 due to camp or in Week 2 due to ANZAC Day public holiday and whole school curriculum day. Homework will begin in Week 3.
- House Cross Country competition on Tuesday 23rd April, ensure consent is completed via Compass.
Year 5
What’s Happening in Year 5: Weeks 1 & 2
Welcome back to Term 2!
We hope you have all had a restful break with friends and family! The students have returned to school with a positive attitude and are excited to continue their learning journey. We will continue to work on social skills, resilience and positive work habits throughout this term.
What will be happening this fortnight in Year 5
Next week on Tuesday 23rd April our House Cross Country will be run at Dendy Park, Brighton. Students can get into the House Spirit by dressing up in their house colours to school on the day.
- Students will work on resilience, respect, relationships and responsibility.
- Students are practising reading fluency (accuracy, rate, prosody) through repeated oral strategies through information texts. .
- Through study of our mentor text ‘Flood’ by Jackie French, we will be exploring using a range of sentence types (simple, compound and complex), punctuation to separate clauses and the use of figurative language and literary devices including simile, metaphor and personification.
- Begin to read a class novel for enjoyment and listening comprehension.
- Spell Words with Common Letter Patterns but different pronunciations.
- Students will be explaining the link between whole numbers and decimals and converting fractions to decimals.
- Students will understand the link between fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Students will compare and order some common unit fractions.
Inquiry - Geography
We are starting a new Inquiry unit investigating how regions are predisposed and respond to natural disasters.
Big Question: How might we reduce the impacts of natural disasters? (Human, environmental, economic).
Students are expected to be reading every night and completing assigned Mathletics activities over the fortnight.
Monday April 22nd Earth Day.
Tuesday April 23rd House Cross Country
Thursday April 25th ANZAC Day
Friday April 26th Curriculum Day
Year 6
What’s Happening in Year 6: Weeks 1&2
Welcome back to Term 2!
We hope our Year 6 families have had a restful and enjoyable holiday break! The students have returned to school refreshed and ready to embark on their second term of Year 6. This term we will continue to develop the students’ leadership, social skills and positive work habits, and begin preparations for our production - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
What will be happening this fortnight in Year 6
The next Southern FM radio broadcast is this Thursday 18th April. Please tune in to 88.3FM from 8:00am. We look forward to hearing our students live on the radio! Next week, on Tuesday 23rd April, our House Cross Country will take place. Students can get into the house spirit by wearing their house colours to school on the day.
- Students identify people they are grateful for help from.
- Students will recognise who they can give help to in certain situations.
- Students will rehearse situations where they can offer help to peers.
- Students are practising reading fluency (accuracy, rate, prosody) through repeated oral reading strategies through inquiry linked texts. We are going to be reading about how bushfires start and the environmental factors that cause bushfires.
- Through study of our mentor text ‘Fire’ by Jackie French, we will be exploring using a range of sentence types (simple, compound and complex), punctuation to separate clauses and the use of figurative language and literary devices including simile, metaphor and personification.
- Continuing to read the class novel ‘Glasshouse of Stars’ for enjoyment and listening comprehension.
- Review and application of the <e> and <y> suffixing conventions.
- Students will be explaining the link between whole numbers and decimals and converting fractions to decimals.
- Students will understand the link between fractions, decimals and percentages.
- Students will compare and order some common unit fractions.
Lines of Inquiry
We are starting a new inquiry unit, investigating how regions are predisposed and respond to natural disasters.
Big Question: How do people respond to the geographical challenges of their region?
We will begin the unit by looking at challenges in our region including fire, flood and drought.
Students are expected to be reading every night and completing assigned Mathletics activities over the fortnight. Diaries with reading recorded will be checked weekly and Mathletics tasks should be completed by Friday 26th April.
- Cross Country – Tuesday 23rd April.
- ANZAC Day – 25th April SCHOOL CLOSED
- Curriculum Day – 26th April STUDENT FREE