From The Principal Team

Welcome back to Term 2. Our students have quickly settled back into their classroom routines and new units of work to begin the term which has been wonderful to see. Our Year 4 students are having a great time on Camp at Arrabri Lodge. The weather has been kind, albeit a cool morning, and so many different activities have been taking place. We can't wait to hear more about their adventures and experience with their peers and teachers when they return.
This term we welcome back Ms Lauren Cooper to 5L, who has had a lovely week getting to know the students in her class and the whole Year 5 cohort. We also welcome Natsuki Mase from Japan. Natsuki joins us through a Language Assistants Program and will spend two days a week at our school assisting in Japanese classes, working closely with Gall Sensei and Ms Beth Wilson. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students and we're thrilled to welcome Natsuki to the Beaumaris Primary community.
We also welcome Ms Kate Ryan to the Beaumaris Primary School staff. Kate joins us from Somerville Primary School and will be our Learning Support and Enrichment teacher. Our school is committed to ensuring our teaching and learning programs support all of our student's needs. As part of this commitment, Beaumaris Primary will be launching a new Booster Group initiative for students who require further support, as well as for those who require further challenge. Participation in this program will be based on achievement data and other measures of learning, and if we feel your child would benefit from Booster Group sessions we will communicate this and further program details with you. Ms Kate Ryan will join Ms Charlotte Molloy to teach this program. We are very excited to begin our Booster Group initiative during Term 2 and to offer this wonderful learning opportunity for students.
Thank you to our school community for all of your generous donations and participation in our Easter Raffle. We raised an incredible total of $3594.10. We look forward to sharing more details around where this money will go during the term.
As a school we are preparing and planning ahead to 2025, where we will welcome a new cohort of Preps. As part of this process, we are looking forward to welcoming prospective Prep 2025 families to the Beaumaris Primary School community into our school next week at two key events - the Parent Information Session on Monday evening at 7pm, and our school Open Morning on Wednesday morning at 9:15am. If you have a child already attending Beaumaris Primary, but you are enrolling a child in Prep for 2025, you are more than welcome to join us at these two events, too!
Next Wednesday 24th April at 3:10pm our staff and students will come together to hold a service in honour of ANZAC Day. You are very welcome to join us. We will be under the blue shade cloths.
Following ANZAC Day, on Friday 26th April will be our Curriculum Day. This is a student free day. On this day, our staff will come together to focus on our continual focus and commitment to what teaching and learning at Beaumaris Primary School looks like. We will also spend a large portion of the day auditing and organising our school's literacy resources, in preparation for updating a large number of them during the school year.
Please find a short video message from The Hon. Ben Carroll MP, our Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, here (or below) that was shared for parents and carers. He speaks about the importance of the second school term for learning, along with a few helpful reminders.
Enjoy the rest of your week and for those with a child in Year 4 - we hope you enjoy hearing all of their wonderful tales when they return on Friday.
Kind Regards,
David, Grace and Ellen