P&C News 

P&C News 

This Friday is our annual general meeting. This will follow directly after our usual meeting which is full with event planning activities this week, so we would love to encourage as many parents and carers to come along and listen and share any ideas you may have. We welcome everyone along to our meetings, there is no obligation. If you would like to join our wonderful P&C you can collect a form at the meeting or the office, click on the attachment below or email tallebudgerapandc@gmail.com. All memberships from 2023 will lapse this Friday so if you wish to be kept in the loop, please submit the 2024 form.



Whats Coming Up?

P&C Meeting and AGM

Friday 15 March

9:00am, Library

(No RSVP required)

If you would like to nominate for an executive position at the AGM please attend or contact us for a nomination form.


Spellathon (fundraiser for chaplaincy)

Word lists sent home Week 10


Save the Date

Trivia Night @ The Alleygators!

Saturday, 18 May




The P&C Executive Team