News and Notices 

Tally Way CommUNITY Day 


Late this term, we will hold our Tally Way CommUNITY Day.  This is a new school event providing a day of unity for wellbeing, kindness and antibullying.  We combine recognition of Harmony Day and the National Day Against Bullying and Violence to say, "'Yes' to kindness and wellbeing and 'No' to bullying".  We will also take the opportunity to share learning that is part of our school's wellbeing program, The Tally Way. 


Parents and carers have been invited to join us (via ClassDojo) throughout the day for our whole-school picnic, wellbeing activities in classrooms and to attend a wellbeing workshop (for adults), facilitated by a guest presenter. 


This is an inclusive event that allows all students to participate in free activities during the school day, including morning moves and a disco.  Students may wear an item of orange with their school uniform and school shoes to reflect their stand against bullying and for kindness and respect.  Orange socks, hair accessories or t-shirts are great options and need to be sun safe (e.g. no strapless and midriff shirts). 



Collaborative Planning 


Collaborative planning will occur throughout Week 10 of this term. When teaching teams are planning, our specialists will take classes to ensure the continuation of learning. 


Each term, teachers are released to plan together to ensure that we provide a consistently, high quality educational program.  Our Curriculum Leaders and Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning) support teaching teams to develop the planning and assessment, aligned with the Australian National Curriculum and informed by the learning needs of our students. 





Year 3 and Year 5 have commenced the NAPLAN and we have been impressed by their positive attitudes.  We try to make assessment days as close as possible to normal school days by reminding our students that all we expect of them is that they try their best.  With this approach, our students have excelled over the years. 


Yesterday was the first day of NAPLAN and Years 3 and 5 completed the writing assessment.  We loved listening to students talk with enthusiasm and positivity about the writing they had done. 



Driving and Parking 


Please drive and park safely and legally in and near the school zone.  We ask that double parking and parking in front of driveways does not occur.  


Drop and Go is supervised after school to assist with the efficient and safe departure of students. 




Thank You for Donations 


Thank you to all families who donated second hand uniforms and books for our P&C's recent initiative.  We appreciate this generous, community-minded attitude towards helping others. 



Wildcall Wildlife Show - Year 1 


On Monday (11/3/24) our Year 1 students enjoyed a visit from Wildcall Wildlife and learned about living animals. 



Progress Interviews 


Thank you to all parents and carers who attended the recent progress interviews for partnering with us to help our students.  These interviews were very well-attended and an excellent opportunity to receive an update about student progress in Term 1. 



Dental Van 


The Dental Van will be arriving at our school soon and details about how to book have been provided to parents and carers via ClassDojo.