Student Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received Recognition of Learning awards this last week:
K | Lucy Watson | Giving her best effort during all learning tasks. |
K | Penelope Russell | Her amazing effort during reading workshop rotations. |
1 | Eloise Cruckshank | Giving her best effort during all learning tasks. |
1 | John Palmer | His improved fluency when reading. |
2 | Van Humphries | Having a positive attitude towards all areas of learning. |
2 | Marley Vella | An amazing effort when editing her writing. |
3 | Harper Driscoll | Demonstrating the ability to infer information from an image. Well done, Harper! |
3 | Kaia Gratsounas | Consistently demonstrating the three rules for living in the classroom and on the playground. |
4 | Hollie Patterson | Displaying a positive attitude towards her new school environment. |
4 | Brodie Stewart | Having a sound knowledge of the different types of angles. |
5 | Theodore Russell | Demonstrating the ability to answer literal and inferential comprehension questions related to 100 Most Destructive Natural Disasters. |
6 | Jag Carroll | Successfully completing 4 and 5 digit addition and subtraction algorithms including trading. |
6 | Sophie Crutcher | Consistently displaying leadership qualities amongst her peers and younger students . |