Message from 


School Nurse Janice

I will be away on annual leave for the next two weeks so if anyone has a student with a health or wellbeing concern, please contact the Wedderburn College Office and they will direct your call to wellbeing staff who can assist you. 


The Dental Van is at school and students are being screened and if treatment is required parents/carers are contacted- so please answer your phones. 

The Dental Van will be back at school next Term and all students who have returned a consent form will be seen. It's not too late to take advantage of this excellent service. Additional consent forms are available at the office. 


Immunisation Year 7 and 10 

Please return consent forms to the office before the end of the term with an indication if you want your child/children are to receive the immunisation or not. 


Wishing everyone a great school holidays and see you next term.



Janice Deocampo

School Nurse