Community Hub

Community Hub
Our Sewing, Crochet & Knitting class participated in Harmony Week and all the participants sewed orange scarves, tops & scrunchies for anyone who needed something orange to wear on Thursday 21 March 2024.
Our Community Hub participants said they felt great participating in Harmony Week and were excited to celebrate diversity in Australia.
Just a reminder that our Sewing & English classes have a crèche and we welcome new participants.
The Community Hub is looking forward to Term 2 where we will have a new Gardening Group, Free Op Shop (for ladies & children) and Circle of Security Parenting Workshop.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the Gardening group or with our Playgroup on a Monday morning. If you are looking at gaining some experience with volunteerting in a hub or with children please visit me or call on 8264 9588.