Principal's Report  

Jane Briffa | Principal

Dear Parents & Carers,


In the blink of an eye, Term 1 is done! While it was one of our shortest terms, we managed to pack a lot in. I would like to take this time to thank all of our amazing staff, students and families for a great start to 2024. 


I have met so many wonderful parents, carers and grandparents over the last two weeks who have come along to help us out here at school. I would like to thank them all for their generosity of time and good spirit. It is great sharing a laugh and such positivity at various events. I feel blessed to be part of such a wonderful community.   




Today we had our first Easter Hat / Fancy Hat parade. What a fantastic effort by everyone to join in the fun! It was great chatting to excited students and parents this week in the lead-up to the parade as hats were crafted and eggs were purchased. A huge thank you for all the donations that came rolling in for our Easter Raffle. A big thank you also to Brad Rowswell MP and his office for their very kind donation of our first-prize hamper. We were able to make up 30 prizes this year and also ensure that every child left school today with a small chocolate egg. We hope the winners don't eat their chocolates all at once! 


An extra special thank you to our Easter Bunnies who gave up some time on Tuesday to help us make up the hampers. Mr. Daley and I were very relieved to see so many helping hands and smiling faces. A big shout out to our mums, dad and grandparents - Kate, Mel, Julie, Ana, Trevor, Terri, Anneke, Kisara, Carmen, Sharon and Danielle. Thanks also to Georgie for all the coffees and to Mr Daley for running down the shop to grab more Easter Bags and some hot cross buns to keep us all going! 

Murphy Guarding the donations
SEPS Easter Bunnies
Murphy Guarding the donations
SEPS Easter Bunnies


On Tuesday I had the pleasure of meeting with Tony Ross, who oversees our sister school projects in the Philippines. Tony shared with me first-hand how the $4,800 we raised last year via Hunger Busters has gone straight into supporting four schools in Bohol and Samar. One school was able to start creating their own orchard that not only provided students with much-needed food but allowed them to sell produce at the local market with funds going directly back into the school. I look forward to connecting with the Principal teams from each school to learn more about their schools and how we may be able to further assist. 

Hunger Busters starts back next term with 6A catering for our first session on Friday 19 April. 6B will follow on Friday 3 May and 6C will be on Friday 10 May. We look forward to sharing Friday afternoon tea with you all next term!       



I have been researching some extra uniform options to include a warm winter jacket and school beanie for our students. I have also sourced a more updated school polo. Samples are displayed in the front office so if you are passing through, please have a look. I would love to hear your feedback so will put out a short survey early next term before presenting the idea to the school council at our next meeting in May.   

Everyone has worked hard this term and I know we are all looking forward to a rest and reset, ready for some more great learning in Term 2.  


Wishing you all a lovely and safe Autumn holiday! 

Jane Briffa