Level 6: Connect

Kristy Cullen, Kym Seccull, Richelle Fraser, Anthony Klvac & Trudy Gau

Important Dates



Friday 19th April - 6A Hunger Busters 

Monday 22nd April - School Photos 

Tuesday 23rd April School Photos 

Wednesday 24th April - ANZAC Day Assembly 

Thursday 25th April - ANZAC Day public holiday 

Friday 26th April - Curriculum Day (student-free day) 



Thursday 2nd May - House Cross Country 

Friday 3rd May - Sustainability Ambassadors Peer Teaching Workshop

Friday 3rd May - 6B Hunger Busters

Friday 10th May - 6C Hunger Busters

Wednesday 15th May - District Cross Country



Monday 10th June - King's Birthday public holiday


End of Term 1

Can you believe we are a quarter of the way through the school year? On Tuesday, students visited Scienceworks to support their learning in Inquiry and Science. Students viewed a film in the Planetarium and interacted with the Sportsworks and Think Ahead exhibitions. We look forward to marking their You Projects over the holidays. 


Preparing for the future
Sorting rubbish and being resourceful
Exploring Artificial Intelligence
Preparing for the future
Sorting rubbish and being resourceful
Exploring Artificial Intelligence


Social Media and use of Smart Phones

Despite delivering weekly sessions from the Cyber Safety Project, it appears that many of our students are not making the best choices when it comes to safety online. There have been incidents of students making fake accounts on Snapchat and TikTok, online bullying and exclusion, harassment and, illegally sharing photographs without consent.


The legal age for owning and using a social media account is 13 years old. This age has been dictated by large tech companies because it is the DeFacto age that data may be collected about an individual online. Furthermore, the legal age that a child may be persecuted for online behaviour in Australia, is 10! We urge all parents to seriously consider how, when, and why they allow their children access to social media platforms. 


It is our recommendation that Snapchat and TikTok be deleted from your child's devices. 


If instances of bullying, harassment, fake accounts, or child safety arise, the first point of call should now be the police. For further information, visit: Report | Cyber.gov.au .


Term 2 


On Wednesday of Week 2 is our ANZAC Day assembly. A number of our Grade 6 students will host this event.



Weeks 1-2 will explore ANZAC themed poetry. Then students will read and study Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We will also continue with Spelling Mastery. 



We will cover a broad range of topics next term. Fractions, cross sections, probability and chance, percentages, cartesian planes and the movement of people, distances, decimals and angles. 



Where we are in place and time: Australian History and Geography linked to the Olympics.


Assessments are scheduled from week 7 to inform reports that will be distributed at the end of the term. 


Interschool Sport

Students should now be aware of which Winter Sports Team they are in - below is a list of teachers coaching each sport:

  • Mrs S: Netball
  • Mr Day: Footy
  • Mr Miller: Soccer
  • Miss Seccull: European handball
  • Mrs Fraser: Hockey
  • Mr Richardson: Softball
  • Ms Cullen: Support

Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and safe holiday.

Kristy, Kym, Richelle, Trudy and Anthony