Level 5: Connect

5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day 

Economy Tour Excursion

On Wednesday the 20th of March, the Grade 5 students travelled by train into the city to participate in one of Melbourne's 'Walking Tours'. We "explored places in the city centre that tell historic and contemporary economic stories, learning how Melbourne residents and the city have responded to ever-changing local and global economic events". During our tour, we were exposed to different historical stories, such as the 1890 Melbourne Coat of Arms, the Gold Rush, Melbourne Economic innovations, and Climate Change, and we were also treated to a Freddo Frog, which is Melbourne's #1 most famous chocolate. Did you know that the Freddo Frog was a Melbourne identity's invention? Thank you to those parent volunteers who joined us on this adventure. Without parent helpers we cannot run these events and the parents on this one set a high standard for the rest of the year. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.


Easter Egg Hunt with Buddies

On the last day of school (Thursday 28th of March), Grade 5 students and their Prep buddies will be undertaking an Easter Egg hunt. They are extremely excited about the event and to share holiday stories with their buddies. Thank you to those parents/carers who were able to provide Easter Eggs for their child. 


Interschool Sport

Last week saw the conclusion of a very successful term of sport. Last week we played Black Rock at Home. They were very impressed and a little jealous of the facilities available now and soon to be that we have on offer here at SEPS. This is a credit to the community and those that have been involved in the development over the past few years.


Students should now be aware of which Interschool Sports Team they are in - below is a list of teachers coaching each sports:


Teacher sports:

  • Mrs S: Netball
  • Mr Day: Footy
  • Mr Miller: Soccer
  • Miss Seccull: European handball
  • Mrs Fraser: Hockey
  • Mr Richardson: Softball
  • Ms Cullen: Support

Congratulations Lara

A big congratulations to LAra in 5C who recently successfully sat for her Black Belt (yes BLACK) assessment. At the tournament, Lara also received a medal for her achievements on the day. Well done Lara. The teachers in year 5 are always happy to hear and share the success of the students in the level.



Homework for the holiday break is optional. We would prefer that children maintained their reading program over the break. The teachers have pushed this every week and all of us have noticed the benefits of this in just a few weeks.


Important Dates

While not all inclusive, some important reminders for Term 2.


Monday 22nd April - School Photos 

Tuesday 23rd April School Photos 

Wednesday 24th April - ANZAC Day Assembly 

Thursday 25th April - ANZAC Day public holiday 

Friday 26th April - Curriculum Day (student-free day) 



Thursday 2nd May - House Cross Country 

Wednesday 15th May - District Cross Country



Monday 10th June - King's Birthday public holiday


From the Grade 5 Team, we wish everyone a safe and relaxing Term 1 holiday. We look forward to seeing all the students back in the classroom on the 15th of April for Term 2.