Mr Butts' Announcements

Attendance is Important!

Each afternoon we have many students leave early for a variety of different reasons. Of course there will be times when a child is required to leave early, but I ask all parents and carers to be mindful of this. Please only pick up your child early if it is absolutely necessary. 

Anzac Day

St Mary's will once again march at the local Anzac Day Ceremony this year. Students are asked to wear full school uniform and meet out the front of the Royal Hotel at 8:30am. All students are invited to attend.

Easter Liturgy

Our Holy Week Liturgy was once again a very powerful and moving performance. The children did an outstanding job portraying the most important week of our Catholic faith.  Thank you to everyone involved. Please take the time to watch the liturgy if you were unable to make it.

Easter Raffle

Thank you to our fantastic P&F who organised our Easter Egg raffle at the end of last term.  It is always a great fund raiser and the children get very excited.

New Staff

This term we welcome two new learning support officers.  Josh Harrison will be working in the Gr 1/2 area and Franca D'Aloia Will be working in Gr 1-4. We also welcome Cherie Malnati who is our new Learning Diversity Leader.

Notre Dame Open Day

Notre Dame College have bookings for their Open Day being held on and Applications for Enrolment are now open. Click here for enrolment information.

Car Parking

For safety reasons, we are asking all parents and carer's to please park in designated areas in our car parks when picking up and dropping off children.  Please note the Marian Centre and Hall St pick up roundabouts are quiet at the moment and are a very easy and safe way to pick up and drop off.

Before School Supervision

Please note that  all students that arrive at school prior to 8:30am must fill out an application that is explained the letter below.  I appreciate everyone's understanding and cooperation regarding this.


Assembly 25th March


Assembly 15th April


Principal's Award

25th March Jay Donga

Jay has matured significantly recently and is willing to take risks in the classroom. Teachers have noted he is considerate and takes interest of other students and adults alike. Thank you for being such a good role model Jay!


15th April Simmi Kaur

Simmi is an outstanding student in all areas of school life. She is cheerful, friendly, organised and achieves excellent academic results. Thank you being such a wonderful role model Simmi!

22nd April Evanie Hoge

Evanie is a very hard worker and always tries her best especially with hard work that she loves! She is friendly with everyone around her and has beautiful manners. Evanie also brightens up the Prep room with her beautiful smile.  Congratulations Evanie!



Mr Butts' Jokes!

I accidentally drank a bottle of invisible ink. Now I'm in the hospital waiting to be seen!


Q: How do you greet a snowman?

A:  Ice to meet you! 


Anthony Butts



Be Good to people and the world will be good to you.