Classroom & Curriculum News

School Assembly Friday
Congratulations to our Student Award recipients.
Happy Birthday to all students who turned a year older.
Welcome back to Term 2. The students have settled in well. They have already been workinsg so hard. In Maths, they are learning about location and Part-Part Whole (this is where 2 small parts make one whole). In English, they are writing descriptive pieces about animals. They are looking forward to our upcoming excursion to the Werribee Zoo on Monday. In Religion, the students are learning their prayers 'Our Father' and 'Hail Mary'.
In Inquiry, they are beginning to learn about special places and places animals belong.
They had a wonderful time at Cross Country and enjoyed walking to and from the Yarraville Gardens with their Year 6 buddies. We are looking forward to a very busy and exciting term.
YEAR 3/4
The students have all settled in well to Term 2 and very eager to get into their learning.
This week in Year 3/4's have been learning about 3D shapes in Maths. To help us learn the names and features of these shapes, we made models using modelling clay and toothpicks.
The students absolutely loved this activity and they were all so engaged and talking about maths which was wonderful.
Our Inquiry unit is on Climate and Weather and we have enjoyed talking about extreme weather. The students will be researching a country and investigating the weather, climate, agriculture and other important aspects, to present to their class at the end of the term. We will be looking at how the weather effects many parts of our life, all over the world. We look forward to an excursion to IMAX to view the movie Extreme Weather and a visit to the Melbourne Museum.
Year 6- ANZAC Commemoration Service
The Year 6 students were extremely lucky to witness the 92nd Legacy ANZAC Commemoration Service for Students at The Shrine of Remembrance.
With over 1000 students from Primary and High Schools around Victoria, our students were able to listen to many inspirational stories and history of Legacy and the importance of respect and remembrance of the brave men and women who served for our country.
Our School Captains, Marley and Joseph, lay a wreath on behalf of the Staff and Students of St Augustine's.
A wonderful day on the 18th April with the Whole School Cross County event at Yarraville Gardens.
Special congratulations to the following students who came first in their age groups:
- Tate and Klaudia (9/10YO)
- Jay and Marley (11YO)
- Owen and Alexa (12/13YO)
Points collected at the event:
1st Place: BLUE 1107 points
2nd Place: RED 995 points
3rd Place: GREEN 978 points
4th Place: GOLD 920 points
A very special thank you to all the parent volunteers who supported our students during their day and helping the event run smoothly.
1st Place: BLUE 1422 points
2nd Place: RED 1255 points
3rd Place: GREEN 1208 points
4th Place: GOLD 1200 points
Keep up the great work everyone, still early in the competition season. Plenty of points up for grabs!!