Faith News

School & Parish Connections

St. Augustine's School Prayer

Our Father in Heaven,

Look over and bless St. Augustine’s while we are working and playing.

Help us to respect and care for each other as you taught us to.

Give us the opportunity to do our best for you each day.

We look forward to being able to share our lives with our friends and families.

Keep us safe and give us the courage to be

people who want to know you more.                    Amen.


        Prayer for the Week 

An Easter Prayer

Blessed are you, O Mary, silent witness of Easter!

You, O Mother of the Crucified One now risen, 

who at the hour of pain and death kept the flame of hope burning, 

teach us also to be, amongst the incongruities of passing time, 

convinced and joyful witnesses of the eternal message of life and love brought to the world by the Risen Redeemer.
















Jelly Bean Prayer

 Red is for the blood you gave, 

and black is for the empty grave. 

Yellow is for the shining sun, white is for the new life begun. 

Green is for the grass and trees and purple is for your majesty. 

Orange is for the edge of night, and pink is for the morning light. 







They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 

At the going down of the sun and in the morning 

We will remember them.



School and Class Mass Roster

Please see below the Class and School Mass Roster for 2024. All families are welcomed and encouraged to join us at both school and class masses.



2024 Holy Week: Journey to the Cross

On Wednesday, March 27th, we marked the sacred journey of Holy Week with our "Journey to the Cross." Throughout the session, each class embarked on a pilgrimage around our school grounds, engaging in the ritual of the Stations of the Cross. This spiritual journey was also enriched with the presence and participation of many family members who followed along with their child's class.

As we made our was along this symbolic path of Jesus' final hours, the atmosphere was filled with deep reflection and reverence. Step by step, we retraced the moments leading to the crucifixion, allowing ourselves to be immersed in the sacredness of the occasion. Each station was an encounter with Jesus, accented with songs and prayerful visuals carefully placed, to draw us into the present moment of each station.

All the students demonstrated a remarkable reverence and very prayerful presence as they absorbed in the significance of the journey. 

This was something very different  from what we have done in the past and the students' response was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Their prayerful participation and genuine reverence illuminated the sacredness of the moment, affirming the impact such spiritual practices can have on young hearts and minds.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the teachers for their conscientious guidance as they led their students through each station with care. Additionally, I want to express my appreciation to all the beautiful family members who joined us. Your presence and active involvement enhanced the experience even further. There will be a CareMonkey Survey coming out soon that I kindly encourage and ask all who came along, to please fill out. Your feedback and input would be greatly appreciated. Please enjoy looking through the photos that were taken on the day to get a glimpse of our Journey to the Cross 2024.

Yours Sincerely,

Michele Witchell- REL


Jesus is placed in the tomb
Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday
The Last Supper
The Washing of the feet
Jesus meets his Mother
Jesus takes up his cross
Jesus is condemned to death
Jesus meets his Mother
Jesus is placed in the tomb
Jesus is betrayed by Judas
Easter Sunday
Jesus is nailed to the cross
Jesus dies on the cross
Jesus dies on the cross
Jesus is placed in the tomb
Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday
The Last Supper
The Washing of the feet
Jesus meets his Mother
Jesus takes up his cross
Jesus is condemned to death
Jesus meets his Mother
Jesus is placed in the tomb
Jesus is betrayed by Judas
Easter Sunday
Jesus is nailed to the cross
Jesus dies on the cross
Jesus dies on the cross


Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults : RCIA Program

At St Augustine’s, Corpus Christi and Annunciation Parish we welcome people who are searching for spiritual meaning in their lives or for adeeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. The RCIA is a process of reflection and learning for those who are not baptised and wanting to find out more about Catholic faith and forthose already baptised in another Christian tradition who now desire to further their faith journey with the Catholic Church. A new group is beginning their journey in May 2024 and you are welcome to join us.

Please contact Fr Werner if you are interested for further details. OR 9314 7710

All Parishioners can help! Perhaps you know someone who is asking questions about faith or about becoming Catholic, you might like to invite them to contact Fr Werner and accompany them in finding out a bit more about what Catholics believe, how we celebrate our faith and live our lives.

St. Augustine's Parish Mass Times

Saturday 5.00 pm

Sunday 8.00 am at Annunciation, Brooklyn

                9.30 am

                10.30 am (Italian)

                11.00 am at Corpus Christi, Kingsville

                 11.30 am (Polish)

Tuesdays  6.00pm

Thursdays 9.00 am

Use the above link to access the parish website.